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Cars For Music Video Shoot In Perth Sunday 21st October 2007


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My name is Ana. I'm a student producer from Curtin University who is doing a Music Video Project.

We teamed up with a local Perth band and currently in production of their music video for an EP they will be releasing early next year.

We required some volunteers from car enthusiast who would like to be in a music video, we're shooting this Sunday 21st October 2007 around 4-5PM.

There is no actual racing or driving involved, and you will be with your car most of the time. We need people who are proud of their car and would like to show their awesome cars in music video.

We can't pay you for your time, but we will give you a full copy of the music video. Also free nibbles and refreshments are provided and you can hopefully meet up with other Perth Car enthusiasts.

This is real and serious project going to be a closed and controlled filming area and we do have insurances and public liability notice.

Location is in Perth, if you are interested please PM me and i can give you more information or phone Ana on 0432 484235 thank you.


This is the location of the shoot:


Student Green Parking 9B

Curtin University

Sunday, 21st October 2007 at 4PM

I also would like to inform everyone that Curtin is a 30km/h zone, and while the security in Curtin are happy to accomodate us for the film shoot, they will still be extremely strict. The same rules apply i suppose, no horseplay no burn outs, we just don't want anything bad to happen or get told to leave.

Thank you <3

P.S if you are bored and have nothing to do before 4PM, we are shooting our live band segment in the TV Studio from morning. So feel free to pop by anytime (well the studio is locked so you need to ring me so i can swipe you in) It's nothing fancy, lots of lights, lots of camera, grab a chair, have some pizza etc. Cheers~

Edited by novotel
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I PM'ed a Michael87

I hope that was the right person because there were a lot of Michael when i did the Member search.

Thank you for your help though Alpinestar.

Would you be interested in coming along too?

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There's a chance [Michael] may or may not show, more of a 10/90 thing though :)

Will you actually choose the cars that have something unique about them or pretty much anyone who shows interest?

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I have to admit, we're happy to take on anyone that shows interest.

I personally like skylines. BUT any types of cars are welcome really.

We are after nice cars in general although some cosmetic modifications on cars are definitely what we are after.

It doesn't have to be heavily modified, i think i'm pretty happy with stock bodykits (LOL coz thats the only thing that i have on my car) but more surely more than welcome.

The band name is Upskirt Shazaam.

This is their Myspace link: http://www.myspace.com/upskirtshazaam

They are a Funk/Hiphop/beat Band

The new song that we are filming a music video is called 'Honk Ya Horn' and basically talks about a guy and his car. They should have a copy of the song in their myspace if you want to have a listen.

About Youtube, i think we can upload it at the end of the production as well. It would be a nice place to showcase anyway. I'm a big youtube fan.

I do youtube everything out of habit.

I'm really happy that everyone is showing such an interest in this. Thank you so much <3

The location is going to be in Curtin University, we want people to be by building 208 (Curtin Film TV Studio) at 4PM on Sunday 21st October 2007.

There is a small car parking/loading bay area behind this building.

We are going to be moving to different parking lots so best method to contact if people are lost is to call me on 0432 484235.


I forgot to say what we are trying to film.

Basically we need a scene (that will be used as intercutting with the band live performance scene) of a car meet.

We are after the street racing kind of look. Although on the day there will be no actual racing involved.

We just need to film a sort of gathering, so the more people and cars the better.

We're after all sorts of people too so male female asian caucasian etc are very welcome.

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will you be picking what cars you need. noone is going to be sitting or driving our cars right??

Nope, we're not picking what cars we need, we need all the cars actually.

We'd like to gather them in the middle of the parking lot (i'm not sure what the actual position because that depends on the director and his art direction i suppose). and then yes we'll have people standing around and conversing around the cars. We want people to relax and be casual, maybe show each other their cars, maybe it's a good chance for people to meet up and talk about cars too etc. There's food and drinks available as well.

There is really no acting involved, just need people to ignore the camera.

Also we love if you wear something casual but no shorts or singlets if possible, cross finger it won't be a hot day. cross double finger it won't be raining on the day.

And there is no actual driving of the cars because we'd like to keep everything safe. You will be by your car at all time.

Edited by novotel
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I PM'ed a Michael87

I hope that was the right person because there were a lot of Michael when i did the Member search.

Thank you for your help though Alpinestar.

Would you be interested in coming along too?

yer.... sorry i would but my cars stock sorry next time

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I PM'ed a Michael87

I hope that was the right person because there were a lot of Michael when i did the Member search.

Thank you for your help though Alpinestar.

Would you be interested in coming along too?

Michael87 was the wrong micheal lol, but he also goes to Curtin, so maybe he'll come down anyway :) Hopefully his got his rims now :(

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