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Help With Offset.


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Jus curious to whether ne body can help me here.

looking at buying a set of Nismo LMGT-4 Rims, but unsure if they'll fit a S1 R33 GTST with the guards rolled.

Specs: 17inch X 9.5 inch wide +12 Offset

5 x 114.3 PCD

Any help Greaaaatly Appreciated :thumbsup:

Cheers, Brock

Edited by 5CR3AM33
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Jus curious to whether ne body can help me here.

looking at buying a set of Nismo LMGT-4 Rims, but unsure if they'll fit a S1 R33 GTST with the guards rolled.

Specs: 17inch X 9.5 inch wide +12 Offset

5 x 114.3 PCD

Any help Greaaaatly Appreciated :thumbsup:

Cheers, Brock

hmm that is gtr offset...

i think you will be very very lucky to fit them under your guards maybe +20 ish

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hmm that is gtr offset...

i think you will be very very lucky to fit them under your guards maybe +20 ish

curses... pretty siked on these rims, ne other ideas on how to squeeze em in without going wide body. Never really tried to understand this offset stuff haha

Cheers, Brock

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if i was you i would go for a +20, +25

but if you really want to run +12 it can be done with

alot of camber (-3degress +) and stretching the tyres (so running some very small on the rim like a 215/225 :D )

cheers for that. bit more info :blink: yer it's a private sale soo size is no option :( haha think i'll have to let them go. if ne one interested hit me up and ill fwd you to the original sales post.

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any one reccomend places that flare/roll etc n rough prices?!



I recommend Stuart @ Dent Craft (His business).

He is very thorough, top quality work. I have used him for my last four cars!!

FREE CALL! 1300 659 897

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