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1tb Hd Should I Partition?

(B1) MR_fanny

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If you are only using the drive to store movies & <cough> porn <cough>, then I wouldn't bother with it. If you are using the drive for both OS & storage, then I would divide it into a small partition for OS & the larger one for you other *stuff*. Just to keep it more "organized"

Either way, don't over partition a HDD, as it will slow down performance (keep it at about 3 max) as the head has to travel all over the place to look for the relevant stuff on the disc.

PS: you do realize that you mentioned porn twice right? :action-smiley-069:

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ye dont partion... no point.

defrag it once every few months if it see's a fair bit of delete/write use. otherwise dont bother really

Dont use the windows one, there are better ones you can grab off the net. Faster too usually

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thanks fella's.

Ive accumulated a fair bit over the years they become sentimental after a while so I find it hard to delete them hence the porn X2..lol even though i dont watch them I like to know that they're still there.

when you mentiond defrag ash i was, eek on using the windows one. would take forever. any in particular you would recommend?

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+1 for what Mayuri Krab said

if ur gonna put a OS on there id spare 30GB for vista (if u use vista) and leave the rest for ur porn (and movies :()...

for defrag, there is a program out there called O&O Defrag Pro v10.0 which is very good... ive used Diskeeper in the past and IMO i think that O&O is better... but you can still try both to see what u like...

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