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Well since we have a forum for all Japan stuff and me being a huge anime fan I wouldn't mind knowing how anime/manga is perceived by the japanese ie does everybody watch it? is it seen as childish? etc.

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Is Manga childish in Japan? No way. If my wife is anything to go by - her favorite channel is Animax! (Nothing but Japanese Anime). Nah, I would say that anime/manga is anything but childish in Japan

One of her (and my sons) favorite shows on Animax is a program called Dragon Ball Z. I don't really watch it myself, but from I've seen it's basically a story of a group of weird guys/gals who go around Japan fighting and generally getting the sh1t kicked out of themselves (only to win at the last minute) each week... :rofl:

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Yeah I always associated lots of anime with young adults/ adults just due to the themes which they contain but I have been told its not really all that big in Japan so I thought I would ask some people who are over there.

trigun is teh god!

*edit* was a bit shocked when I saw my sig on the back of trigun 8's cover. but still it's just a line from one of the earlier ep previews. *edit*

Trigun is awesome and on that note is anyone else in SAU like to watch anime/have a favourite series??

my current fav is Noir

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It depends on who you ask really.

For example, if you ask a "Luis Vuitton" girl about anime, they get all squirmish and act like it`s the most uncool thing on the planet. Yet just about *anyone* on the peak hour express train will have some kind of manga with them to read... salarymen, teens, convenience store workers... you name it.

On the whole, I think it`s neither childish nor mature, it covers all genres so it`ll appeal to SOMEBODY...

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I too am an anime fan, I hope to buy alot of anime over their next month. Was wondering is there special anime dvd shops or is it everywhere.

The reason I ask is I want to get an astro box set, but I need it in english. I know it exists I just need to find where to get it.

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If you're in tokyo and visiting akihabera (which most tourists do - for the electronics) there's a pretty good anime/manga shop there as well (on one of the main streets - it stands out so it is pretty easy to find).

It's at least 5 levels (possibly more, I can't remember) - you'll go wild

Me, I couldn't really care less about it (except trying to stop my students reading manga in class) - but some of it's okay. I finally watched 'spirited away' (mainstream, but worthwhile) the other week - not bad. The rest in that series (same company/maker?) is pretty good too, what I've seen of it.

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Lupin III is awesome. Better to get the newer movies like Alcatraz and Castle of Cagliostro. The original series is only good if you can put up with the 70s music and animation (i can't). Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Initial D, FLCL (too short) and Golden Boy (also too short) are probably the best ones i've seen. I've seen heaps and just cant remember them all but if you want something that will really screw with your head then you should watch Serial Experiments Lain: watched the whole series 3 times and still hard to understand it properly.

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Lupin III is awesome. Better to get the newer movies like Alcatraz and Castle of Cagliostro. The original series is only good if you can put up with the 70s music and animation (i can't). Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Initial D, FLCL (too short) and Golden Boy (also too short) are probably the best ones i've seen. I've seen heaps and just cant remember them all but if you want something that will really screw with your head then you should watch Serial Experiments Lain: watched the whole series 3 times and still hard to understand it properly.

i havent seen very much recently but that castle of cagliostro was made in the 80's dude, for full length movies i think the last one i saw was the cowboy beebop movie, there are so many you can get that are just a few episodes thats its had to get a full length movie. not that i'm that old but when i started watching manga all you could get were movies, like castle of cagliostro, Akaira, ghost in the shell, ninja scroll and legend of the overfeind (has a japanese name i carnt remember to spell) there were three full length R rated movies for that last one, there are a lot of other ones that i've have at one point on video or dvd.

can someone post up names of some new full length movies you can get in aus as i'd like to get some new ones to watch!!

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there are a few recent movies that have come out. probably the two that come to mind immediately are Patlabor WXIII which is good if you've seen either of the first two (although you don't have to as the characters from the earlier movies only make a minor appearance) and Voices Of A Distant Star it only goes for 30 odd mins but it has one of the best stories ever.

then there are a few like Ah! My Goddess, Read Or Die or The first two Patalabor movies (a bit older)

hope that helps :)

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there are a few recent movies that have come out. probably the two that come to mind immediately are Patlabor WXIII which is good if you've seen either of the first two (although you don't have to as the characters from the earlier movies only make a minor appearance) and Voices Of A Distant Star it only goes for 30 odd mins but it has one of the best stories ever.

then there are a few like Ah! My Goddess, Read Or Die or The first two Patalabor movies (a bit older)

hope that helps :)

yeah i've seen the first two patlabor movies both of those had somewhat interesting story lines as well, i'll look out for that WXIII as i quite enjoyed the first two!

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When I went to Japan, I was real keen to get a shitload of Anime DVDs. I was disappointed cos firstly they were so expensive (more expensive than here) and there are no English subbies meaning I wont get jack crap (cos so much anime is so subliminal and bizarre).

I went to that 5 storey anime shop in Akihabara - I almost wet my pants.

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  • 3 years later...
If you're in tokyo and visiting akihabera (which most tourists do - for the electronics) there's a pretty good anime/manga shop there as well (on one of the main streets - it stands out so it is pretty easy to find).

It's at least 5 levels (possibly more, I can't remember) - you'll go wild

Me, I couldn't really care less about it (except trying to stop my students reading manga in class) - but some of it's okay. I finally watched 'spirited away' (mainstream, but worthwhile) the other week - not bad. The rest in that series (same company/maker?) is pretty good too, what I've seen of it.

i just found some kids & teens manga for sales on this website http://www.imathreadminingdirtyspammer.com

price is pretty reasonable too... happy shopping

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