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adjustable sway bars: tuning!


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hey guys, when ur talkin about the sway bars is it the bars underneith the car or is it the one in the engine(strut??) anyways im lookin at pickin one up (whiteline adj for 190) and would like to know which of the two would be better to upgrade, the one under the car or in the enginebay and the front or the rear. im guessing the fronts as its rwd.

as for the aftermarket hicas bar...rezz as a "Attain - HICAS Cancel Rod" goin for $166 bucks accordin to the calculator...hehe. dunno if it comes with the electronic bypass thingy for the 33 though.

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Go for the swaybar (under the car) first if you want less body roll. the strut brace won't make much different for body roll, it will only increase chasis rigidity for high speed cornering, but most of the time during general driving you won't feel the difference with or without the strut brace.

Better to upgrade both front & rear swaybars, it will allow u to tune understeer & oversteer characteristic of your car. In theory if u have stiffer rear swaybar and softer front (or the other way around), ur chasis could twist during hard cornering because of different body roll front & rear... I would imagine it wouldn't be too nice

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No worries Sydneykid. The JMS one for $195 isn't listed as being suited for R33's. I found that K's Online Garage (as (B1) MR_fanny mentioned) has the cheapest at $166 + postage. Gotta find out from Rezz if SAU members get a discount.

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thanks rs73....i was thinkin of the front whiteline adjustables and the rear "dori dori" swaybar on K'sgarage. what do u guys think of this combo?? come to think of it if i get the whiteline rear adj then all i need to do is set it stiffest when needed??....hmmm also is it fairly easy to adjust the swaybars?? would i need a hoist? and does it put my wheels out of alignment everytime u adjust it??

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Hi B1, to adjust the stabiliser bars I jack up the rear of the car (under the diff) and remove the wheels. Undo 1 bolt each side on the stabiliser bar adjuster. Move the link the number of holes you want, and replace the bolt. Simple, hardest part is jacking the car up.

Adjusting stabiliser bars has nothing to do with wheel alignment. So no, you don't have to get it aligned every time you adjust the bars.

Hope that helps

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  • 1 month later...

It looks good!!

I didn't put it on myself, Centerline Suspension in Thomastown did it for me, but from your pics it looks right.

The adjustible caster rod bush on the front does come in the bushes only. You still use your standard caster rod arm.

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