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Japanese Year Sytems


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AFAIK the system is based on the number of years the emperor has been on the thrown. The current emperor's reign is called Hesei (or something like that!) and so you see years written as H7 or H11. This year (2004) is H16 i.e 16 years since he became the emperor. The previous emperors reign was called "Showa" so you get S46 etc.

Hope it helps!


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S57 = 1982 H1 = 1989 H8 = 1996

S58 = 1983 H2 = 1990 H9 = 1997

S59 = 1984 H3 = 1991 H10 = 1998

S60 = 1985 H4 = 1992 H11 = 1999

S61 = 1986 H5 = 1993 H12 = 2000

S62 = 1987 H6 = 1994 H13 = 2001

S63 = 1988 H7 = 1995 H14 = 2002

H15 = 2003

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2004 = H16

2003 = H15

2002 = H14

2001 = H13

2000 = H12

1999 = H11

1998 = H10

1997 = H9

1996 = H8

1995 = H6

1994 = H5

1993 = H4

1992 = H3

1991 = H2

1990 = H1

1989 = S?? !!

I think Showa went to 52 or something like that, maybe Rezz or Dai Oni know more!


You forgot H7

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Interesting fact about this:

THE EMPEROR TODAY: The reigning Emperor, Akihito is number 125. The first was, Jimmu (660-585 B.C.).  

Akihito's reign is called Heisei, meaning ("the achievement of complete peace on earth and in the heavens"). Because of the pervasive influence of the Emperor on Japanese life, the adoption of this name for Akihito's reign can be expected to influence Japan's policy. Students of Christian end-times prophecy might also take note, given Japan's use of the United Nations to achieve policy aims. Akihito's slogan could be interpreted as referring to the long period of peace and prosperity predicted in Christian theology, a period that must precede great changes prior to the return of Jesus Christ.

So the H is taken from what they call this emporers reign and not his name :D

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I have seen dates written as such:

1 / 10 / H3

1st October 1991 etc.

I wouldn't be suprised if that was January 10th 1991...

The Japs copy the Yanks sometimes with the month/day/year bizzo.

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