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honestly Craig for the most part is has nothing to do with sandy vagina's


hahahah +1 steve

nothing to do with sandy vags'

more to do with cats we dont know posting requests that are easily do-able using either the sau search function, or google, which I myself have proven in this very thread

learning english goes a long way... of course im not going to give a foreigner shit if they cant speak the lingo right, but if nobody can understand them and we ask for clarification, doesnt mean we're being grammar nazis :)

*shrug* i provided a link.. i offered...cant do any more than that...


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yes Ben sums up my points i was thinking i just didnt want to say it becuase i know at times me engrish is more gooder to

noe wai steev ur gramer iz da goodestest m8


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too many sandy vaginas on sau lately, tear your hemorrhoid covered asses of your computer chairs

and find something else to do rather than pick on peoples threads.


The older guys are leading by example craig.

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my beast get there but much to do!

let me break it down for you.

You arent exactly a regular member, so we dont know the story behind the car, why its close to being finished, what it started off like, etc etc etc. Perhaps you can sit down a nut out a long write up about everything you have done with the car.

Looks good, drift teks do look the part.

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