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Using Fia Approved Helmet


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Hey Guys,

Just got a new bell 2011 helmet off the misses for b'day. :)

One of my mates was having a look, and said that it was useless because it only has FIA sticker, not the Aus standard.

Is this correct? Does this mean I wouldn't be able to use it at WSID for instance?

Let me know if you need the actual numbers.....


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yeah you may find a problem at WSID. best to check with them. it's silly as the AS standards are for motorbike helmets which have completely different requirements to car helmets. FIA is the right standard for a car helmet, it mainly just means since it has no AS sticker you can't use it on a motorbike. it's a long way from being useless though. bell make great helmets and FIA standard is fine for pretty much every type of circuit racing I can think of.

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but...i learned the other day that ANDRA/WSID do not follow the same standards....so check that as well

Yeah this is correct.. andra wouldnt accept my helmet that only had british standards/fia standards..

however they let me use an out of date go kart helmet... go figure........

so wsid no.. but track days you will be ok..

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Wow,,, thats crazy. I just checked my 2 year old road racing Bell and it only has the snell approval. Well i shouldn't say only,,,snell is the highest standard. It does have another little sticker that basically says it's for racing use only.



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see moneybags? If you just bought a $100 bike helmet like me you would have been fine :whistling:

Yea whatever fathead,,,if they charged by helmet size you would pay a lot more than a hundred bucks. :nyaanyaa:

Seems the women of SAU are the ones with the brains,,,mine made me buy a quality fire-restaint road racing helmet,,,Josh's misses bought Bell quality,,,Kelly wears Stilo quality and YOU own rubbish. :domokun:



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