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66Kg Monster!


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as of late I have been eating anything and everything as well as really pushing myself at the gym. If I dont hit the same weight and reps from the week before or even improve on the last log, i do another set or two until i feel that I make up on it. That has been for all exercises in my routine.

Also for the big lifts in my routine squats, deads, bench and overhead press, i mix up the rep range for my sets, generally 10-15, 10, and finish with 5.

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Sounds good mate, when I started gyming I weighed 65kg so I know what it's like :)

For reference I was mid 90s at my heaviest and am now around 87-88 and I'm only really in it for general strength, fitness, and looks.

You will get there, but eating should take up as much of your mental dedication as the weights, it did for me as a hard gainer.

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yeah eating is hard. work has been in my ear about stopping to eat so much, but got to do what i can

gets to a point when ive eaten so much, i feel like 1 more bite will result in spewville population me.

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I know that feel bro, but rest assured, it does get better.

As metabolism slows a bit and you gain the weight you're after it's easier to maintain it.

I took 2 years off gym and took up running and dropped back to high 70s which was still 10-15kg more than when I started, plus I gained the size/weight back easier this time around.

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yea, was funny when I was 16-20 I barely put any weight on. Hit 21 and got to 66 in no time, from 21-24 (on and off training) have made it to 70. Now getting over that 70 mark has been the challenge.

I am thinking that I need roughly another 5kg of muscle and I'll be looking how I want to look, which is basically how I am now just bigger. But to reach that, I really need to sort my diet out so its a little more appropriate rather then just eating everything.

Thanks Leesh

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  • 3 weeks later...

well first night back in gym after 2 weeks - uni and puppy along with work has taken all of my time

got to gym last night, dropped near 30kg on all my lifts for that particular workout. Hopefully it doesnt take long to get back to where i was.

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yea, i wasn't overally surprised to be honest.

mentally i wasn't in the zone which i know impacts lifting

some regular time in the gym would be nice

If I had room at home, I would seriously consider getting a power cage with a decent bar and weight and some DBs maybe even KBs

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It won't :) I was recently out for 6 weeks... In a month I'm back to where I was except in bench

really hope so, I think not benching as much as what i was 2 weeks ago put me right out of it mentally

just got to get back into the swing of things

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The first night I went back after 6 weeks off I cried and left after failing bench. Mentally if you're not in the right frame of mind, don't bother. The next night I was better, but it took me about a week and half to get back mentally after the break.

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I've had 2 weeks off before and it only takes a week or 2 tops to get back to where you were.

I have a process on how I come back from breaks.

If it's been a week my first session will be same weights but only 2 sets of the 3 on the first session, maybe also the second then full everything on the 3rd.

If it's been 2 weeks I'll drop a little weight and do 2 sets first session, full weight but 2 sets second session, then full weight full sets 3rd session.

I've done this a number of times as I make a point of taking week long breaks every now and then to recover small niggles etc. Always works a treat for me.

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The first night I went back after 6 weeks off I cried and left after failing bench. Mentally if you're not in the right frame of mind, don't bother. The next night I was better, but it took me about a week and half to get back mentally after the break.

Failing really is a part of progress.

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