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Its really my fault, I never submitted the leave request. I thought I did, I submitted like five all at once for exams and a wedding, but apparently not for DECA. Even though I had spoken to my manager several times about having this weekend off, but when I actually saw my hours it was too late to change/replace them. No one wants to work a Saturday.

On the plus side I always spend a stupid amount of money at DECA which can now be put towards the 180 fund.

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We are a bit late on this but Kat and I will be there.

Kats turn to drive something and I will volunteer so put me wherever - I will need some guidance on what I need to do though as never done one of these.

Am I able to reg as a driver as well and have one or two blasts here or there? No crashes I promise :P

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We are a bit late on this but Kat and I will be there.

Kats turn to drive something and I will volunteer so put me wherever - I will need some guidance on what I need to do though as never done one of these.

Am I able to reg as a driver as well and have one or two blasts here or there? No crashes I promise :P


I will find you a spot. its not brain surgery so you will be fine. Be there for the breifing and we will word you up.

As for having a blast here and there that would be a no.

Unless you enter and have your CAMS or AASA licence have your car ready and pay all fees.

See you guys up there

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I will find you a spot. its not brain surgery so you will be fine. Be there for the breifing and we will word you up.

As for having a blast here and there that would be a no.

Unless you enter and have your CAMS or AASA licence have your car ready and pay all fees.


Yep sorry I meant if we are both entered as drivers, but we only have the one car. We have our CAMS licences etc and doing the forms / payment now.

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Yes Paul you can both enter and drive the car. The team will space your numbers so once the first driver has their turn you should be at the start of the pack again for the second driver.

The days are pretty cruisey so you wont have any issues.

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