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hey guys i found a car I like and its a good price but its been stolen before. it's not now I mean it was registered after recovery and auction but on REVS its a previously stolen. will this give me trouble with the cops or anything. I dont see why it shoudl since the car is now legal and what not but im still weary because its sort of a black swan and i dont wanna end up looking like a drug dealer or something :D again i know i might not be rational about this and the fact that its regod and all legal it doesnt matter but hey, a history is a history and it never goes away.

what do you think?

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Cops:- they look up Rego plates on computer, so if the old plates (at time of theft) are still on there, I'd change them

Car:- whilst stolen, the thieves may have thrashed the car. You'll get it thoroughly checked over won't you?

History:- VEDA including Revs will always hold that theft history in place. Should you sell the car (after having bought it), any enquirer might have the same questions as you have.

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Cops:- they look up Rego plates on computer, so if the old plates (at time of theft) are still on there, I'd change them

Car:- whilst stolen, the thieves may have thrashed the car. You'll get it thoroughly checked over won't you?

History:- VEDA including Revs will always hold that theft history in place. Should you sell the car (after having bought it), any enquirer might have the same questions as you have.

Well the car was registered and used after so the plate thing isn't an issue. The car is all legal and registered now but like you said I do have a hesitation because it has that history.

As for checking the car out I'm getting it thoroughly checked and making sure the electronics, suspension, engine and all round chassis has no issues like rust and what not. I do this anyway to any car so that's not the issue and it's actually pretty clean. It's not a recently stolen either, it's been registered for years and the owner now has maintained it well.

As for the police question I know they check for the old plates but this car was stolen years ago and then auctioned off to who is now the owner who is selling it so no it's far from having the old plates or anything like that. My only concern is if the car will be some sort of suspicious black swan on the road or something because of this history which rationally I don't see why it should but I guess anyone in this position would have preconceptions about buying it.

Thanks for the reply by the way mate ;)

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With all your 'barriers' removed...

I don't think the stigma then of having a car that's been "previously stolen" is as bad as owning one with the stigma of "repairable write-off".

Welcome to SAU - the home of cars that have been 'driven as if they've been stolen' - jk

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With all your 'barriers' removed...

I don't think the stigma then of having a car that's been "previously stolen" is as bad as owning one with the stigma of "repairable write-off".

Welcome to SAU - the home of cars that have been 'driven as if they've been stolen' - jk


Well the latter doesn't exist anymore.

Edited by CosworthSti
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you haven't mentioned what type of car it is, but im assuming its a skyline.

my opinion is, there are SO many second hand skylines for sale. and rite now its a buyers market too. if the car being previously stolen worries you (it would worry me) than simply dont buy the car. just look for another nice one at the rite price. like i said there are HEAPS of skylines for sale, you can afford to be picky..

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you haven't mentioned what type of car it is, but im assuming its a skyline.

my opinion is, there are SO many second hand skylines for sale. and rite now its a buyers market too. if the car being previously stolen worries you (it would worry me) than simply dont buy the car. just look for another nice one at the rite price. like i said there are HEAPS of skylines for sale, you can afford to be picky..

yes that's what I thought too, I guess the stigma and general feeling about it just won't be right. thankfully like you said it's not a rare car and there's alot of good deals. This happened to be a very great deal but again I just feel right about it. Thanks for the reply mate.

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