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Earn Cash Pulling My Dash Apart.


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My dash has started making this horrible creaking noise from 3 places behind it, I got angry last week as I couldn't figure out what it was and hit my fist on the dash, this resulted in the speedo cable breaking just to further infuriate me.

Car is an R32 skyline, is anyone interested in pulling my dash apart, replacing the broken speedo cable and also attempting to find the cause of the creaking? I will pay cash if you have done a dash removal before and are interested.

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I just refitted a brand new dash.. R32 gtst.

Had to take everything off.. But honestly so much easier than I thought.

Do it yourself, you might learn something like I did aha.

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sorry to bud in from a different state

There is a great tutorial >>> here <<<< with pictures which I found recently

Speedo cable alone obviously just needs the cluster out whilst replacing cable.

Noises annoy the shit out of me too and to be 100% to get rid of the noise this would be one way.

Looking at least 4hrs out - clean up, maybe some cable ties, and felt/foam between some joins - and back in if you attack it.

There is an area they usually "creak" from the cluster surround. Felt or thin spunge foam and a tighten of the screws near the metal strip at the base of the cluster :)

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sorry to bud in from a different state

There is a great tutorial >>> here <<<< with pictures which I found recently

Speedo cable alone obviously just needs the cluster out whilst replacing cable.

Noises annoy the shit out of me too and to be 100% to get rid of the noise this would be one way.

Looking at least 4hrs out - clean up, maybe some cable ties, and felt/foam between some joins - and back in if you attack it.

There is an area they usually "creak" from the cluster surround. Felt or thin spunge foam and a tighten of the screws near the metal strip at the base of the cluster :)

What areas in particular creak? There is one near the left door that I have no idea what it is, and then one from the middle/behind the cluster that goes away when I go over speed bumps for about 5 minutes them comes back, no idea where to even look?

I know it is pretty easy I just really can't be f**ked, give me a can of motivation and I'd consider it.

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I'd come around but it's about 12hrs :/

30 minutes effort (Pictures borrowed from previous link ^)

Quick cluster removal/re-install checking for the creak. 1 medium size Phillips head screwdriver.

Most likely going to be one of the screws loose you remove during this process causing the issue of 2 plastic surfaces rubbing.

Just a good tighten when you put it back together. You can check the speedo cable while your here.

Left hand side

ECU behind the kick panel. As this is accessed and you may have an After market it's likely the area causing the noise.

Again check the screws holding the kick panel and above holding the dash (see 2nd last pic)

Note the red line on the cluster surround. It has metal strip running along it. Make sure it's solidly fixed in place.

Edited by Sinista32
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Ok so we removed the dash today and drove around the block, noise was still there, after listening very carefully we determined that the windshield is creaking so I am completely stumped how to fix this. Other than getting a windshield removal company to remove and refit the windshield does anyone have any ideas, the noise is driving me mental!

I posted about it here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/432870-creaking-windscreen/

edit: thanks for the guide, it was a lot easier than I thought but still took at least 45 minutes to reinstall it all with two of us working on it.

Also my speedo cable has pulled out of the end, there was a lubed up bit of plastic in the speedo cable that was loose but the actual speedo cable looks about 2cm inside the plug like it has falling back, how can this happen as it should be fixed on the gearbox end? What should I do to pull the cable back out.

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I suspect your two creaks coming from the front are probably your suspension uprights worn out, it just sounds like its coming from the interior. I know when I had suspension creaking (that was a combo of worn uprights and a lack of lube on the strut) it sounded like it was coming from the interior.

Worth a look at least


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I suspect your two creaks coming from the front are probably your suspension uprights worn out, it just sounds like its coming from the interior. I know when I had suspension creaking (that was a combo of worn uprights and a lack of lube on the strut) it sounded like it was coming from the interior.

Worth a look at least


Both were actually making noise but we pulled both out, greased the and now they are quiet. Pretty different noise, cheers though.

Window guy is refitting my wind shield tomorrow so wish me luck! Costing 140

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I guess the next thing I'd be checking if you know those are secure (windscreen, dash, dash reo, hang-ons) would be to ensure that every bush in your suspension is up to scratch and any adjustable components are lubed and tightened to spec. grease the hell out of anything that has a grease nipple. also dont discount sway bar bushes cause they can get noisy with age.

aside from that, nfi


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