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Speed limiter?.. sumthin else?

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Ive had my Skyline for 2 weeks now.. Geez I love it. :hearts:

A mate has a VX SS.. I been boasting how my GTS would smoke him, just quietly though, I was a little concerned that it wouldn't work out that way :Oops:

Well.. I just fed that SS to my 'line :(

such a glorious site, race to 100 klm/hr: SS 2 car lengths behind when I hit the mark... sweeet.

Now what i wanna know is this, does the R33 gtst have a speed limiter that comes on somewhere around 5500 rpm 5th gear? Dont know what the speed is... whatever it is it is above the 180 mark on the speedo, gotta change that thing. Cant be a rev limiter cos it winds out to redline in all other gears, but in 5th she hits some sort of power cut for a coupla seconds then re accelerates to the same point??

Any clues?

Found this out on an unused airstrip btw

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Hey, yeah there is a speed limiter, but HKS have Speed Limit Defenders which you can put in to cancel that BS out!!!

Have heard that you can put a 1.5 ohm resistor on the crankshaft to cut it out as well but don't know enough about it to really understand it!!!

*if any1 knows anything about that or that it is BS can u let me know*

The thing with dragging those sort of cars is if u have unlimited amount of road u'll get smoked cause there top end speed kills ours.... disappointing i know, had 2 learn that one the hard way 2!!!

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ss nice my mate has one/ I was also worried about beating it but u have to have faith in the line lol 2 easy. I also have a mate who has new sv6 that gave me a run, but still the line is victorios.

Is that speed limit thing 180km/h? i think thats what it is set at.

Oh and this all took place on my private highway! got to love having your own

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Now what i wanna know is this, does the R33 gtst have a speed limiter that comes on somewhere around 5500 rpm 5th gear? Dont know what the speed is... whatever it is it is above the 180 mark on the speedo, gotta change that thing. Cant be a rev limiter cos it winds out to redline in all other gears, but in 5th she hits some sort of power cut for a coupla seconds then re accelerates to the same point??

Speed cut is at 180k as the ECU sees it - the speedo is usually a bit inaccurate (my '33 reads a bit low) which is why it looks like you are going faster than 180 when you hit the limiter.

Have checked the ECU speed readout (using Consult data) on mine against a GPS and it is pretty accurate, the gauge is obviously out a wee bit.

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I dont actually mind being limited to 180... I mean when can u legitimatly and safely go that fast anyway?

Its the sound, feel and thrill of getting from whatever, to the limit, very... very quickly... ok, maybe just a few k over the limit. : )

Just wanted to be sure it was a normal thing, so, thanks guys..

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