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RB comparisons


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(Yes i did search first).

Background: i have a 260z and i have completed and enjoyed my upgrade from the old L block to an rb20det. It makes somewhere around 240 - 250rwhp at 12psi. This is not enough.

Foreground: I am eternally tossing up ideas for the next upgrade, so i think where better to ask for opinions than here!

So Naturally, like all of us - i like to plot and scheme every little horsey out in my head to remind me why i work so hard!

For a while i thought, bugger it, rb's just dont have to torque - i'll go VQ30det if i can get one, and if not vg30det, they do fit - and essentially i end up with a midmount car with lots more torque. However its a fairly pricey job to fit one.

For a while previous to this i thought rb30/25, but 've never seen anyone build a decent rb30det for much under $15000 on the engine and turbo etc, let alone a matching gearbox and getting it to fit in!

Also, rb26 halfcuts are getting ridiculously expensive.

So my ponderings lead me to this conclusion, 3 options: work the rb20 - no it will never have the torque or power as is so:



rb25DET Neo vvt version.

mind you even rb25's are starting to get expensive.

So the main questions are - has anyone built, or been in an rb24 powered car, and how did it go? I have heard mixed things - like people are dissapointed with it as they lose revability etc, which is part of why we like the rb20. And at the end of the day, would an rb25 be better off (keep in mind than an rb24 done properly leaves me with mostly forged internals?)

And the other question is, just how good is the neovvt? sure it adds a lot of power stock, but do modifications also recieve a bonus to their effectiveness? And is it worth going for the neovvt, as its atleast another $1000 to get the halfcut (over an rb25).

The VG30 is really cheap, and semi forged - and will give me great handling - but cost more to fit.

Ideally it would end up cheaper, except that i have a very expensive exhaust system that was built custom for my car (naturally an rb20 exhaust does not fit underneath a 260z) And an rb series upgrade would almost leave my exhaust and cooler pipings lining up very neatly to where they do on the current rb20.

So, i guess i'm looking for personal opinion, is the neovvt worth the extra money? (i suspect that an extra $1000 might be quite an effective sum, considering the money you need to spend per kilowatt with other upgrades)

Actually, realising how long my post is, i dont tihnk anyone will bother to read it far enough to share their opinion:).


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why not SR20? cheap hp in terms of upgrading them with off teh shelf stuff

i'm in the process of building a rb24 ..on the cheap in comparsion to buy a rb25 and doing similar .......

plenty of options ..if your game go the 24 ..and prove some nay sayers wrongily

but it comes down to ultimately what your goals are ..and what u use the car for....etc

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Mate i have had a RB30DET in my r33 for a few months now. I love this engine. This engine is awesome. Get one.

I can organise to get one built for you for a price. It will be WAY less then the money you quoted there. Send me a PM for my phone number and we can have a chat.

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Angry, thanks for the feedback - i have thought about sr20 - but it does mean the works for fitment - ie custom mounts, driveshaft etc (the rb's dont need this). Basically the SR requires the same job as a VG - which in my opinion willl always have more potential?

Useless trivia - a guy with an sr20 in his 240z sold it for $90 000 to someone in sydney a year or two back!!!!!

As for saying your RB24 is cheaper than the rb25, i have seen a few people say that the rb25 is much cheaper to get? Do you mind disclosing the costs associated with your build?

Guilt-toy: I am still planning this upgrade, i'm moving house early in the new year, so i wont be doing anything until the dust settles in a few months after that. So i dont want to waste your time now. But if you dont mind chatting about it this far in advance, - i would love to hear about the RB30/25 you are building and what its costing you - and will it all end up forged etc. If thats cool then just say and i'll PM you to chat


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with teh 24 ..... u pick up a rb20 ..long motor ...300bucks max ... toyota pistions .. gtr bits and pieces.. machineing etc ..... would cost u max of around 5500 ..

now it would cost u that much again to rebuild a rb25 after u've bought a rb25 half cut for 2000grand. .. thats if u want to go for the forgies and all that ......which would be ideally better for big hp dialups .. its cost Ash i think nearly 6500 for he;s 25 in he;s GTSR.

then u gota add to that your cost of your turbo and fueling ..and ecu .. it snowballs VERY fast.

i haven;t got into my build as yet .. just alot of the bits and pieces ive collected already. so far the bulk of it has cost me just under 1000bucks ..pistsons are cheap ..toyota 4agze forgies from toyota ..340 set of 4 ..


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