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Forget the 'line, my van got keyed..


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Hey ppls,

Yeah, my 'Rago got keyed - second time in two months. Both were separate instances in public carparks in different locations around Sydney.

I'm soo pissed off now - I can't believe that someone would do that to a van. Twice. This time they were smart enough to key obscenities also.

If someone will do this to a van, what the hell will they do to a Skyline? All those who've had to experience this before, you have my sympathies. And those who haven't, I hope you never do. I'm sick of this, we're not even going to bother getting it fixed now because I can't justify claiming through insurance if it happens again.

This is like totally undermining my confidence in police at the moment - there simply are not harsh enough penalties to deter vandals / car thieves.

Oh well, if anyone sees a Tarago going around with those features - gimme a wave. It's the car I drive when I'm not in the line :)

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poor bastard, i had the same thing happen to my line in my apartment block. Its heartbreaking ey (i'm not insured comprehensively either). Hope they get some nasty std and die.

The scratched mine in all over the car every panel, swear words and stuff. Found out who it was but doesn't look like they'll be paying up (some 10 year old kids)

Anyway hope things work out man

Catch ya

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poor bastard, i had the same thing happen to my line in my apartment block. Its heartbreaking ey (i'm not insured comprehensively either). Hope they get some nasty std and die.

The scratched mine in all over the car every panel, swear words and stuff. Found out who it was but doesn't look like they'll be paying up (some 10 year old kids)

Anyway hope things work out man

Catch ya

these 10yo old kids should have parents who should be responsible for there kids actions

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shif_tea can you take civil action or something? I guess they may be too young to be considered responsible but I reckon they should make their kids pay..

I thought this would never happen to me, and I certainly did not expect it to happen to a car other than my 'line. Just goes to show there are always people who will surprise you, sometimes unfortunately.

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yeah the cops went and talked to em and the witnesses (another 3 kids who saw em do it) all i've heard from the cops so far is "its still under investigation" this is 2.5 months later.

I'm gonna start to hassle but dunno what my options are yet.

Anyway i already had my cry in another thread. I feel for ya razor.....tarago is a much larger car to get sprayed!!!

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Gee man.. thats not good

Hey mate sorry to hear that

Its bad hearing these stories - but it is something that happens unfortunately

Heard a few bad stories - one in VIC and the dude even had video evidence from the shopping centre where the car was parked but the police couldn't (or wouldn't) do anything about it... Even the guy's fuel cover panel was keyed...

people (even young kids) shouldn't get thrills from damaging other people's ride

ah razor - I'm thinking that some skidlines should be left on some door steps


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some little punks scratched the back end of my line while it was parked in my own driveway mind you..

some parents dont care what there kids do these days aslong as they dont have to put up with them its completely wrong

if you catch the kids doing something wrong take them to there parents the parents still dont wanna know about it

we will have a bunch of juvies at age 2 soon

sorry for the rant

i sympathise to all those that have had there rides vandalised or stolen

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poor bastard, i had the same thing happen to my line in my apartment block. Its heartbreaking ey (i'm not insured comprehensively either). Hope they get some nasty std and die.

The scratched mine in all over the car every panel, swear words and stuff. Found out who it was but doesn't look like they'll be paying up (some 10 year old kids)

Anyway hope things work out man

Catch ya


There may be some hope, we had a Xmas party at our place and about 9 cars got scratched, some only on one panel, others completely around car. Approx $30K to $40K damage. Turns out to be little 7 yr old girls not really knowing what they were doing. The parents actually were going to bank to borrow money to repair cars when by accident found that the parents House & Contents Insurance, under the Contents public liability covered the damage.

I know sounds weird, but the people have had their cars fixed. So if you know who the parents are, and could find out if they have Contents insurance, then there may be some hope. Perhaps ask the Police to chase that avenue for you.

Good Luck !!!

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If it were kids and the parents didn't fix me up with $ to have it resprayed to say the least, i wouldn't have a problem 'abusing' the kids, be it a 5 year old / 10 /20. Kick his head into a wall for all I care. Even locking him in the boot gagged and shit.

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Sigh, unfortunately after talking to the cops the other day it turns out it wasn't the kids that i was told it was. Apparently its a couple of kids 14-15 middle eastern appearance with mullet cuts that live just up the street (but they're not sure where). Apparently they come into the complex to use our pool sometimes, but noones seen em since....so no pay back for me.

Unless of course i happen to see them wandering around...then i'll probably be posting the rest of my SAU stuff from a prison cell :kick:

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usualli lil pricks like that have dead beat parents. I had these lil turds across the road using my f**kn skyline as a footy post FFS!!!. After i abused the f**k outta the lil scum bags, the trailer park mom comes over to me and tells me off for swearing at them. Told her to go smoke a goats ****....

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