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ACT Roadworthy v NSW Police

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theres a thing called a paragraph you know :)

i've learnt some things here... didnt realise they could get you over the border for things that were legal here!

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As I said, our cops like your money in NSW... yum yum :D Your engineers certificates are worth bugger all here, and they'll still book you if they choose to. You can wave it, shove it, and put it up your but for all the good it'll do.

You'll probably get the defects cleared once the RTA sees it, but you'll still be there.

As far as I'm aware, if a policeman wants to defect your car they will. I heard a story about the nats one year where they got a guy because his windscreen wiper rubbers were not in good enough nic.

Also have a "mouthy" acquantence who manged to get his 12 month old comonwhore defected.

So, unless you car is dead stock, you could in theory get done.


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As I said, our cops like your money in NSW... yum yum :D Your engineers certificates are worth bugger all here, and they'll still book you if they choose to. You can wave it, shove it, and put it up your but for all the good it'll do.  

That is 100% correct as well. Even if the car is engineered and you carry the papers, any police officer has the power to issue a defect notice for your vehicle for whatever reason they see fit (well, they have to have at least some belief its not meeting an ADR). You can kick and scream as much as you want, but at the bottom line, your engineers certificate isnt worth sh!t to a police officer.

So worst case scenario, youre back at RTA getting your ride inspected. All other states, the vehicle authorities will always accept an engineers certificate for its supporting modification. Might interest everyone to know, ACT is the only state in Australia where vehicle inspectors can tell you to shove the engineers certificate up your ass and not accept it. It usually doesnt happen, but there possibility is there.

Bottom line is... dont want to be hassled about your ride? Dont own a modified car... simple :)

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Bottom line is... dont want to be hassled about your ride? Dont own a modified car... simple :P

Thats about the shpae of it - however I've found a combination of hiding mods, being polite and not breaking the law appear to go a long way..

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Thats about the shpae of it - however I've found a combination of hiding mods, being polite and not breaking the law appear to go a long way..

very well said. most cops aren't assmunchers. if you're polite and cooperative and you don't put up any "lip", you're likely to be treated like a human being in return. of course its a hit and miss affair with the fuzz, but, for the greater part of it, they're not out to get you. their just doing their job.


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very well said. most cops aren't assmunchers.

So true... on our cruise on the weekend, we were doing some decent pace just before coming into Cooma. A marked red SS police car was going the opposite way to us, and just flashed his lights. We stopped at the start of Cooma to get a drink, and a police car promptly pulls up and says people have rung up and reported us speeding down the highway, and the ss we went past also radioed in and said we were doing a decent pace. The cop basically just said try and keep the speeds down and had a chat with us :P

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I have my whinge now and then but generally the Police are pretty good.

If we disagree with Laws we need to change em. The cops are just instuments of Law enforcement.

Roadworthy needs to be National AND sensible.

BTW - Up the bloody speed limit you schmucks and blood alchohol levels :) (jks), keep children, public servants and pensioners off the roads! Thats why footpaths and public transport exists.

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hahaha. well there's an accepting attitude if ever i saw it richard! :( teehee. jks

having said that, i totally agree. so many people can steer and push the pedals and indicate and all that jazz, but still can't drive. i find it rare to drive around canberra without screaming at someone (even if they can't hear me).


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Might interest everyone to know, ACT is the only state in Australia where vehicle inspectors can tell you to shove the engineers certificate up your ass and not accept it. It usually doesnt happen, but there possibility is there.

I asked them about this when i was getting my defect cleared, and they said only if the engineers cert. is incorrect, he gave me an example of 20's on my car and engineered but they were fouling on the susp. they woiuld reject the cert for the wheels in that case

If you do get a defect (not yet....fingers crossed) are there any costs involved at the inspection?

$36.30 for the first visit, $11 for a reinspection within 1 month of the first

i find it rare to drive around canberra without screaming at someone (even if they can't hear me).

You need to relax a lil bit more Dave.

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yeah. i'm not usually a cranky driver, but so many people are outright DANGEROUS cos they don't know give way rules. or how to negotiate roundabouts or intersections or whatever. everyone must've experienced it and become frustrated about the quality of canberra's drivers. drives me nuts.


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