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Ns.com Megacruise #3 - This Friday 7:30pm


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Skylines Australia members welcome :

June 3rd --> Ingle Farm Shopping Centre 7:30PM

Please note that this will be a large, well organised and heavily promoted cruise.

Due to the expected turnout, we will be notifying police of the start and end meet points. We appreciate police presence at these events, as it lessens the amount of dickheads that ruin it for everyone wink.gif . . . . If we can show the authorities that we are capable of organising an event that is fun, social, yet stays within the boundaries of australian road rules / laws , then this should present a good image and hopefully lessen the chances of a canary-fest like we have seen in other states.


730pm meet. 830pm leave.

Ingle Farm Shopping Centre

-> a bit of highwway, a bit of hills, ending up at Speed Dreams

$5 raffle and map.


Speed Dreams Vouchers :




This can go towards heaps of stuff like : lights, bodykits, mirrors, stickers, apparel, interior, seats etc. etc.


shop 3-60 west tce ad. (next to australia's pizza house)

8410 0001

more details / official thread here : http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...opic=92544&st=0

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Been chatting about this in another thread so I'll post it here too:

"I live 5 mins south of Ingle Farm on Sudholz Rd, and my mate David (with 180SX from Sat's SAU cruise) will be meeting up at my place before hand, if IceDuck or anyone else on SAU wanna drop by mine then head up together you're most welcome."

Call it a "mini-cruise", just a way of getting the SAU-ers together amongst the sea of mis-guided souls that frequent other inferior forums. :D

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Okay David's bailed on me but I'll PM my details to you guys. Rock around any time from 6:30pm onwards I'll be home. Anyone else feel free to get in touch.

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Yeah I'll be taking my car. PMs sent to Nozila and IceDuck.

Just to warn you all parkings pretty shit at mine, first 1 or 2 in will score the drive way (no one run over my water main! :P) and the rest will be stuck parking on Sudholz Rd. If you don't wanna park on the main road then take the left just before my place, thinks it's Palmerston Rd or something like that, you can see it on the link i sent you.

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Yes, parking sucks at Ash's place!

No skids out the front either!!!

I don't mind, but considering Holden Hill cop shop is 1 minute up the road, self-preservation might stop you from doing it.
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This'll be the last time i post before tonight so if anyone reads this and want to meet up at mine before hand, get in touch with Andrew or Duc, if you know them and they vouch for you, then I guess you're alright :) and I'm happy for them to pass on my details.

See some of you tonight.


- Ash.

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Hey fellas, for those interested I found out what happened with my radiator, I've got some pics at home but I'll just describe it.

Basically one of the rubber mounts up top that holds the rad in place has perished, when I accelerated hard the radiator fell backwards, and in to my fan. It's put a nice circular mark in it and tore about a dozen rows away from the top tank. Hence the fact water came gushing out of it!

Now that I'm back in Adelaide I need to go find a replacement, for the rad and rubbers, I'll be doing the ring around today/tomorroe but any suggestions of where to go are most welcome.

And thanks once more IceDuck, your RAA+ really saved my arse (and wallet), you're a top guy and I hope to see you round at more meets.

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Hey fellas, for those interested I found out what happened with my radiator, I've got some pics at home but I'll just describe it.

Basically one of the rubber mounts up top that holds the rad in place has perished, when I accelerated hard the radiator fell backwards, and in to my fan. It's put a nice circular mark in it and tore about a dozen rows away from the top tank. Hence the fact water came gushing out of it!

Now that I'm back in Adelaide I need to go find a replacement, for the rad and rubbers, I'll be doing the ring around today/tomorroe but any suggestions of where to go are most welcome.

And thanks once more IceDuck, your RAA+ really saved my arse (and wallet), you're a top guy and I hope to see you round at more meets.

No worries mate.. like I said.. I paid for it and like never actually had to use the RAA+ card.. only in cases when other ppl have needed it.. lol.. all it really costed me was the phone call and my time.. hey I know my time back in adelaide is precious.. but u needed help mate.. so dun sweat it..

Anyways..after the quote for ur radiator.."DAMN"... lol u'll need the extra cash :)

Still can't believe how long it took for the tow truck though..

Can't wait for the next cruise.. maybe next time.. we can actually finish it..

Iceduck out


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