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Converting a GTR box to RWD

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I have a R33 N1 5 spd which I will be converting to RWD.

From what I've read (but not seen) is that the rear of the gearbox's internals is removed (for the front) and the rear extenstion housing modified (reduce in size).

I have dismantled and rebuilt gearboxes in the past, but not GTR ones, the gearbox is going behind a RB30DET in a 240Z. The shifter seems to be postioned further back than on other RWD boxes, in the pics attached it looks like a shifter could be mounted further forward. :confused:

If anyone can contribute it would be appreciated as the info on the net is sketchy at the best of times.

Lots of progress pics to come ;)

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I have a R33 N1 5 spd which I will be converting to RWD.

From what I've read (but not seen) is that the rear of the gearbox's internals is removed (for the front) and the rear extenstion housing modified (reduce in size).

I have dismantled and rebuilt gearboxes in the past, but not GTR ones, the gearbox is going behind a RB30DET in a 240Z. The shifter seems to be postioned further back than on other RWD boxes, in the pics attached it looks like a shifter could be mounted further forward. :confused:  

If anyone can contribute it would be appreciated as the info on the net is sketchy at the best of times.

Lots of progress pics to come :D

I was very much hoping someone would reply to this, I too want to convert a GTR box to RWD. My goal is PPG straight cut dog box internals in an R33 GTS-t. I was wondering if was as simple as using the GTS-t tailsahft housing on the back of a GTR box, instead of the 4 WD housing, or if the PPG gearset will simply bolt into a complete GTS-t RWD gearcase? It's the rear output shaft length that is worrying me, is this re used in a PPG gear kit, or replaced? If replaced I assume the GTR PPG gearkit will have a much shorter output shaft that splines into a GTR 4 WD extension casing?


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