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Everything posted by PWND

  1. good ole torn calluses. I only ever seem to get them bellow the ring and pinkie finger. not too bad at the moment as I am only dead lifting 100kg ish because of the bung knee.
  2. down to 114 this morning. was 120 just after Christmas, so slowly dropping. another 10 off and I will be happy. 15 off and I will be ecstatic. don't want to go bellow 100kg though.
  3. will pop over. unless it's raining. no roof kinda makes it hard
  4. speaking of knees. saw the surgeon yesterday afternoon. announcing my immediate retirement from basketball and squats. have worn away the cartilage in my left knee, so it's bone on bone. going on the public waiting list to get it op'd, but he says if I take it easy from know, ie no basketball and other high impact sports, I should make it to 60 before I need a full knee replacement. sucks back on topic. I am finding that a whole bottle of jaeger and redbull the night before did not help with my workout this morning. scratch that of the list.
  5. not much. wheel alignment and top up the fluids and should be fine.
  6. that's why I think my knees are giving out on me. plus 20 years of basketball 4-5 times a week will do that to them
  7. It's a perfect description of me. If you were in Brisbane, I would think you were talking about me.
  8. Evolve comes out soon. The gameplay looks ok.
  9. might have to store the next lot in the fridge
  10. that's what I am doing at the moment, just trying to blend the fark out of it. was just checking whether it's common, as it hasn't happened with any other products I have used previously. Gts30t, agree with the suss name bit.
  11. Anybody had issues with NO3X turning all clumpy in its container? It's almost as if moisture had gotten in, but not sure how it would have happened, as it's kept on a high shelf and I am quite careful with it.
  12. this has turned into Eating Before/after Exercise - Weight Loss And Recovery
  13. pics of the new vehicle, bought because having the motorbike was impractical because of only being able to seat two, and having no roof....
  14. new rig was meant to be registered tomorrow, till I forgot to get a certificate for the lpg. FEK!!!! so hopefully will organise that tomorrow to rego it mid week
  15. that's awesome. would love something like that for the kids room. just need to find an appropriate image in high enough resolution....
  16. Referred by specialist, called a few places.Sunnybank private was closest, but don't bulk bill. Tried greenslopes next, do bulk bill, but you still end up $500 out of pocket. Somehow ended up talking to a place out at Redlands. They rent the MRI machine from Mater Private on Sunday's. Bulk bill with no out of pocket expense. Can get you the number for the bookings clerk if you want
  17. In other news, found a place that would bulk bill the MRI for my knee. No out of pocket expense. Stoked
  18. it's a r33 gtr. if that's what you are looking for, it seems to meet all the criteria so far.
  19. I might come out for the next one. won't have the car registered for this one. been a long time between pork knuckles
  20. I don't think you will be seeing this one on the road again.
  21. cheers no longer have a garage, but it's good to workout whenever. personal use only, plus I use it for drinks and playstation.
  22. Cheers. Twins, so ran out of time to go to my gym. Instead of getting a skyline again, decided to get a gym. Now just trying to get max use out of it. Just got an old computer plugged into the tv so I can stream crap to watch when I work out, instead of relying on free to air As it sits now. Thinking of getting a few mirrors, but too much of a tightass at the moment.
  23. fingertips are pretty overrated in today's society knuckles is where it's at these days
  24. Top (or to the right, thanks to not rotating the photo), is grilled chicken breast, with steamed vegies. Other one is steak stir fry. no sauce, just diced steaks, cabbage, mushrooms, capsicum and onion. I also do tuna steaks for lunch during the week with steamed vegies (have a few containers of cut up raw veggies ready), but I don't pre pack it due to being fresh fish. buy the fish on my way home from work and cook it up that evening for tomorrow's lunch.
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