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Everything posted by Baconer

  1. Red 33 near brand depot around 12pm Think it was Bluprints 31 on Northbourne, near Barton Hwy lights Also spotted some hilarity near dickson shops. Was stopped at the lights and i saw this old asian man pointing his camera in my direction from the side of the road, i thought it was funny but noticed the angle was just a bit off so i look past my car to where he is looking and see a group of 13 year old netball players in their short skirts.
  2. Jeez, why were you thinking about selling? You've only had it for about 3 months
  3. make your own scrap meta + seat from wreckers + access to a welder and you can make one for under $100
  4. Pics from the skidpan day taken from the ACT toymods section (Justins pics, not mine, don't mean to steal your thunder ) http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c29/Spri...47%2014-6-2008/
  5. haha true, do you go to any of the Beer O Clocks with the CCG guys?
  6. Congrats on the sale. Shame you didn't get what you originally wanted, was easily worth it.
  7. haha can't get over that coincidence... two tone panda look is a bit over done but it does look good. Depending on your funds you could try a different 2 tone combo to stand out a bit (reverse panda, black/blue, black/red etc.). Post some pics of whatever you decide on.
  8. talk about bad timing I've had it sitting around for over a year offering it to anyone that needed it but sold it 4 days ago with the car
  9. holy crap... crazy arse coincidence but that is Jana in the passenger seat isn't it. I went to college with her in Canberra... I remember seeing that picture on her facebook thing a few weeks ago
  10. Silver 34 near Michelago and gunmetal 32 in Cooma around 1pm
  11. man... i had a joke ready about cramming it back into whichever 'gina' shat that monstrosity out but thats actually pretty dam cool. If you were to rev the crap out of it how would the material go on the engine? When the ..bonnet?.. opens it drags on the engine
  12. cheers, ill still see you all at Shannons or Marques, from the other side of the oval
  13. !!SOLD!! To a new guy to Canberra who will hopefully (so i can keep tabs on the car haha) join up to the website. Never really understood when people talked about their car being driven away after being sold but i stood their in the rain watching the lights disappear over the hill and instantly regretted it... And still do now, and probably will tomorrow... At the same time, having money fills the void quite nicely. I'll keep hanging around the website (unlike the other traitors haha) and continue waving, so if you get waved at from a blue fastback celica, don't look down your nose at me, wave back you snobs
  14. haha thats a fair call, pretty sure I've called the last 2 or 3 people to sell up to another make of car a traitor
  15. yea i saw that crashed 33 aswell, he must of spun out because he was facing oncoming traffic in the overtaking lane. Sad sight
  16. Locked all my cats and dogs in the shed before heading out. About 5 or 6 years ago 2 of my dogs ran away on fire works nights from our old house in Rivett, 1 of them was found a day later, the other disappeared. 10 months later we got him back after the people who found him decided to get him checked at a vet before moving interstate, they found his microchip and we got our dog back. Hopefully no one was doing any stupid crap with fireworks, apparently this year is the trial year. If too many problems arise fireworks will be illegal in Canberra like all the other states.
  17. yep, the celica is my one and only now haha. Bought it to be a run around so the skyline would get less kms on it then sold it to keep the celica
  18. $14500. I stupidly just accepted rather then ask for more but im happy with that. 21 year old guy new to Canberra, I'll tell him about the forums and see if he will join up so i can keep an eye on the my old car
  19. keeping this thread up there. Looks like my skyline is sold Money in hand on Thursday, so its sold unless something happens between then and now.
  20. im not dobbing any stores in by saying names, just ask at the counter "Do you know where i could get any bigger ones" Worst case is they say no
  21. I call bullshit without pics Red 34 GTT on northbourne and silver 33 near War memorial around 4pm
  22. just by asking at some of the stores we wound up with some fairly amazing Mortar fireworks (not saying which one, just ask at the smaller stores if they have any bigger ones). $60 for 10 'rounds', fired 2 off tonight and they are insanely loud. Also don't go to Adam and Eve, theres a store in the same carpark as the Higgins shops that sells the same packs (pink, blue, orange etc.) for $20-30 cheaper. 50-60% off my arse...
  23. I dunno, the quality is pretty good and all jokes aside it isnt completely terrible. Fair enough i would never buy it or be seen in public with it but it is nicely done. Lose the Neons and 2F2F styling and it could actually be fairly decent
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