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R33 S2

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Everything posted by R33 S2

  1. hey champ take a look at this link. the tutorial is actually fitting a short shifter into a gtr but it shows all the stock parts. hope this helps! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/t2...l=short+shifter
  2. looks like i better be bending it then. i need my aircon
  3. also buddy here is a wiring diagram for stereo http://r33stereo.groovesystems.net/ hope that helps ya
  4. it wouldnt be the fuse because its working when u open ya passanger door. did the interior light used 2 work before when you had the driver door open?
  5. another bigpond cable extreme
  6. on my car the bracket in left pic just hold the plug/wires. and 2nd pic my fmic pipe bolts 2. dont kno what the real use for the 2nd pic is tho!
  7. model series: r33 product manafacture: 07/95 colour: KN6 (dark grey) interior colour: K 2wd 5 speed hicas theres a few more thing but im still learning how too use it. so someone else might wanna have a shot
  8. hey guys! just recently installed a just jap dump/front pipe! some sort of a metal line resting on the top of it where it bolts up. whats this line for and is going 2 hurt touching the dump/front pipe? thanks in advance steve
  9. spotted a little while ago a blonde chick jumpin out of a purple 33 at the shops next too paralowie maccas!
  10. fuse box layout at this link http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/t1...hl=r33+fuse+box
  11. hey buddy. check the 8th or 9th fuse on the right hand side. im sure thats the stereo 1!
  12. hey everyone. i put a just jap racing split dump/front and x fore cat on today. just a few questions. how long will the exhaust cement smoke for? also there is what looks like 2 be an earth cable or something hanging off the car body near the cat. just wondering what it is for?? it wasnt connected. im not talkin bout the sensor its another cable. there is also one of these cables that was connected to the turbo heatshield from car body! do i need them connected? thanks in advance steve
  13. edit: read the post wrong sorry dude! thought u ment rb20 r33. my bad
  14. doesnt it make that annoying beeping sound until you turn the lights off?
  15. yep thats where i have mine! strange it didnt work. is it a fuse problem?
  16. pretty sure they are starcorp impuls. http://www.tempetyres.com.au/products_clos...amp;part_no=713
  17. i used 1 of the bolts that hold the rubber boot over the gear stick!
  18. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/t1...mp;hl=02+sensor
  19. pretty sure sr20s dont hav a high and low boost. someone correct me if im wrong!
  20. there is a pic on here somewhere that shows exactly where 2 cut the hole. have u got that already?
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