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Everything posted by Demoniak

  1. Demoniak


    Sexbo has lost its appeal.. about 4-5 years back it was more raunchy with live porn shows, i got to meet ALisha Class ( hottie porn star) and my mate was a leather artist.. so i got to help demo a few pieces.. It was a mad time and i got to run around and talk filth.. Last time i went.. it was just a giant ekka.. Just stores selling dildos and rabbits... Unless its picked up something fierce with actual entertainment and not just offering what any sex shop can.. i cbf
  2. im with you.. and its stoooooooccccckkk ( apart from the option 2 pack )
  3. Well its all about me in question.. i was going to get the just jap one... should i save up and get a 2000 dollar jobbie? This was also going to be the first mod for the car.......do the exhuast first instead? (stock engine) Hmm..perhaps then a new battle plan is in order? Pod // exhaust // fmic // Boost controller // Chip ?
  4. well.. i like a little rice with my meal then.. and its stock rice too
  5. lol rice.. bling.. its all the same isnt it? or am i about to get snapped with the noob stick for saying that?
  6. I think its a cover.. i cant be sure though since i DONT HAVE SOUND ON THIS BLASTED PUTAH!!! RARRRRR.. need to get that sorted
  7. Dont worry... its ok... i got duct tape!!! duct tap > all
  8. so this is where you hang out phatboi!! /spotlight har har... found you now go get me a cookie!! (please)
  9. Your kung fu style is strong.. but your girlfriend locking you out last night is stronger!! centeral remote key?? har har har? and anna... your cats are teh funny!! I got one for you.. and said person who has a WICKED avatar of fear and loathing
  10. Yah i kinda didnt mean hoist.. just at least a decent jack or 2 ( as i dont think the skyline came with one as it was on holidays when it was shipped over) Since i have not had to do a lot of engine work i have not invested in a decent jack yet. Thanks for the advice.. but yah want someone to hold my hand while i do it ( not literally) just help with bolting it on and explain why we are doing it a certain way.
  11. Hi All, I really want to get my hands even more dirty around this time with this car. So im going to try (attempt) to do as many things myself as possible. However a few things i am still a little scared on taking on as a solo venture. I think the first upgrade ( apart from a pod) will be the FMIC. What i was wondering is if there is someone i can borrow to assist me with this. i have some tools but no hoist.. I can bring the kit + a carton of <insert alcohol> here or whatever will make you happy to help me fit the beast. Be aware you will be put up on the forums with pics step by step etc. Also if someone knows of a FMIC that fits without too much chopping ( and preferably keeping my front spolier) that would be dandy! thanks in advance
  12. real neck jerker huh.. or is that just from the missfire =p
  13. hehehe.. as what karen said "factory bling". I was going to remove the wing and put a gtr.. but i also noticed its got the standard wing + the drift wing addon.. so i might keep the outside stock ( apart from tires) and make its a sleeeeeeper Anyone know if i can keep the stock front bar and have a FMIC?
  14. ohhh thats shiny k... What do you use?? baby oil? (that is a joke btw)
  15. Hi all.. Just wanted to say it was good to meet you all.. some i got to speak more to then others.. but im sure after a while i will get to know ( and do stupid stuff with) you all. Thanks for making it easy though to get along with you all.. great bunch of peeps and if the people i havent seen yet are like ya'll the community is going to kick ass! The food was rather good too..my sagwaala was top notch.. even the missus liked it Lookin foward to the Dyno this sat and the pub crawl thats commin up. oh... and my stickers ( ahem karen)
  16. HMm not sure.. but last night i had to replace the battery.. the ns40 was rooted so i had to get a smr55 battery.. THen i had to buy 2 x new points for it ( the terminal connectors for the battery) and also a new lock mount bracket to hold it in.. PLus i had to modify the bolt jobby as well. Cost me all up $160 bucks + 10 bucks worth of parts to put a new battery. Good thing i guess is the fact that when i put a FMIC on it.. i dont have to move the battery
  17. Theres a link to it in the QLD members section me thinks... its a blueeeeeee one.. and it goes vroom vroom
  18. Jsut checkin K... you have counted me down as a RSVP right.. the chris up there is not Chris aka GTs25t4door is it? Also i got my +1 to come as well
  19. Hi all. I bought by silly mistake 12 copies of the game.. And only used 6 of them ( pressies for christmas). So i have the Warcraft 3 Battlepacks on for sale... 6 of them. It includes Warcraft 3 Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Cheat Book ( theres an official name for this but i forget.. im at work) History of Warcraft ( with nice pictures) Brand new these packs cost 90-100 bucks. Im selling em for a flat rate of 55 bucks each.. buy 2 and its 50 ea.. That is all
  20. Extra benifits? is that like a friend with "benifits"?
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