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Everything posted by Demoniak

  1. tis been too long since i have been on the website or said hello.. i FINIALLY PAID ALL MY EXTRA LOANS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have spare dosh again.. wheeeeeee so count me in for sure + relle
  2. ive become pretty elitest i guess.. i will check if they have a SAU sticker on the car or i know them.. if not.. i automaticly see them are morons and rice boys.
  3. dammit!!! if only i had my old system in this car i got now!! argh.. will have to wait for the next one.. CHris rogers and I are bumping heads to get something yummy happening!!!
  4. I didnt know you felt like that andy..the group is too big? I thought that was what it was all about.. a big group session to meet and dribble to people. My fav one so far has been at chilly's.. it was a good atmosphere.. anyway ill have to withdraw from this week..and its a shame too with all the negative air sitring around this event. Marc // Karen.. Please keep the event going, it is good for new and old members to meet up and just have a bit of a feed and a yarn. Possibly the break that a few people are forced to have from RL commitments will recharge the batteries as such to join in on the events again. Thanks again to the whole QLD crew for the effort you guys put in for nothing.. its appreciated.. and Ben... err.. what do you do again?
  5. happy birthday dave.. you dont look a day over 55
  6. wow.. cant believe i read that... good way to completley waste 4 mins of my life
  7. you made need a lie down and a cuppa
  8. *nods* yup ah huh.. you dont say.. nooo.. get outta here.. i told you that bitch was crazy!!
  9. wheres that puppet phatboi? he around too?
  10. had my other sub for lunch today.. suprisingly it was yummy too had the chicken and bacon ranch one.. not bad heated up..
  11. ill bring the juice..mixers..cocktail shaker + blender and the tunes... i can bring my decks as long as you got a sound system to connect to it
  12. muh hahahaha first in on dinner next week
  13. in for first post! me +relle even though we cant afford it.. how can we not be social with you all
  14. more drinkies are needed then anna.. you got 2 x bottles to get through and ill gladly help you.
  15. I need to get ahead of my loans first before i even step foot into the mod areas.. *sigh* hate RL bills
  16. hawoo.. we miss you already... have some yummy cakes and stuff .. mmmm hope someone bought chocolate brownie!!
  17. yep....yepyepyepyepyepyep another day
  18. Demoniak


    Type-m You would get flammed in the general section //wastelands if you were caught saying that... dont let Dan The Man see you typing that.. he will get the ban stick out welcome though.. if i see ya ill flash my lights at you and hopefully not run you off the road... on second thoughts.. i might just beep
  19. Provided you got the parts// and the extra people // and the extra grog to do so.. your becomming my new best friend shane.. you got a pillar (or did you hire the extra stuff you needed for the day?) mmmmm curious though.. you wouldnt happen to have a spring condesner lying around too would ya?
  20. Hmm.. 39... *ponders* You were a teenager + young adult through the 80's.... You are rightfully scarred you are!! did you like a flock of seagulls? Underworld? anyway happy birthday Mr.Chris
  21. lee.. he is saying you drive a honda!!!!
  22. more to the point.. i hope that purple pipe on the right hand side of the picture is another 300L + capacity external filter.. sad thing about african fish is that they get dirty as the get older.. we got a fluval running and it still needs cleaning once a fortnight ( 1/3 water change etc) but apart from that you look like you got a nice setup there dano... frame is awsome and the setup looks reefy
  23. speaking of lunch.. just had a foot long steak sub.. was yummy.. for ten bucks you can get 2 x foot longs + 1 x med drink.. got a coupon for it.. so i got today and tomorrows lunch for 10 bucks... cant argue that
  24. that wasnt meant to you.. it was meant to jesse.. and i did check.. you did just get that r32 jesse.. why the rebuild.. did the original one go bang bang.. or you want to do a rebuild just cause?
  25. i is a teh qualified chef.. i just dont work in a kitchen 70hrs a week anymore.. i (dont) work for the govvvment now and food was good last night.. good night out.. was too full for ice cream
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