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Everything posted by JunglBoi

  1. lol....that pic make me want to join sau nsw lols... 2 bad i got gay uni exams i would liek to go enter or at the very least watch
  2. my gf recently wanted to make a scrapbook with me mayb if u have pics u can make a scrapbook of ur last year with her she'll love u long time ehaeha
  3. kool thanks guy sorry about wrong place to post
  4. ahh my bad will go find the right place but just a smartass comment just for kicks yes it does relate to nsw because the climate is diff to melb and brisbane eaheha joking
  5. spotted a black stega between leightonfield and chesterhill i was behind u in the blue skyline think plates were sumthin like BCU... or sumthin ehahea
  6. could always sell ur skyline and buy her a mazda 2 i know thats what my girlfriend wants eahehaea
  7. hey guys this isnt realy a problem or nethin just though its some info people would like to know as well as me well on my Pfc it reads the engine temp an after driving it stays on about 78 degrees and depending on how much driving and whatnot max its ever gone to is about 81 but usually 78 is this about right? how much is 2 hot and how much is a good temp to be sitting on if this is 2 high...how can it be reduced thanks
  8. spooted r34 on just cars commercial with nice tail lights
  9. spotted a few 2day a white r33 on street outside randwick racecourse..front bumper looked a lil bruised a grey r33 at cabramatta station...dropped on its ass...with jetcruise or sumthin sticker on the side a grey r34 4door turning off church st in parra at the lights a black r32 about 20 mins ago going towards parramatta on cumberland highway
  10. spotted a blue r32 going along cumb highway 2day at about12:30ish had decal on side...uniquecar or sumthin
  11. do they help or give discounts on tuning after dyno?
  12. hey dunno know if this is a stupid question or not but fog lights are those yellow super bright light things u put on aye? not high beams right?
  13. spotted u 2 man got the flash but wasnt sure if it was sops ahead or a felow skyline wave lols soz mate didnt get the wave...windows wer dark btw...in his gunmetal r33 and spotted white r34 at lidcombe near the shops
  14. gotta love the random comments ppl say 2 ya i get a lotta kids shouting from the side of the road...nice colour eahhaea
  15. lol i second that btw anyway a atmo bov will be legal?
  16. you could probably just paint it as well or sumthin the inside says defect me and the outside says hey look i'm normal haha
  17. how come they illegal? a crash safety issue?
  18. did he give you a quote? does it do any damage to the paintwork?
  19. lol dont be too worried you can just sayd that if u were speeding so was he to keep up with ya LOLS dob him back in for being a hoon in disguise lols
  20. ROFL yeh thats true some of them can be hard but there are some that are good people too just luck of the draw mayb those cops were like that 2 u beacause they jealous of ur car hahaa
  21. wow u got let off easy very lucky but yeh i agree they just doing their job and sometimes they let you off too and when u do something wrong obviously they gonna get u for it so cant complain
  22. yeh i coulda so easily got off with a fine instead if he was in a bad mood lucky though and the younger cop seemed to know what he was looking for when we knew what defects i had previously
  23. i don't know if every1 already knew this but its knew to me so i thought would post it up so u guys know as well well at the moment i have no registration on my skyline but went to get it blue slipped and i haven't passed yet, but he said i fix that small problem and i can bring it back and it would be all sweet well as i left the mechanic...probably about 30m down the street got pulled over... asked me to get outta the car and pop the bonnet they asked me what my previous registration was so i told him...i actually told him thw wrong 1 because i had forgotten it but my sticker was still on my car so that helped me then he talked into his radio and i heard the radio speak back something about narcotics and amphetamines so i thought it was about something else then he asked if i was still selling drugs... and i told him i never did, so he talked to the radio again to try and get the date of when this happen then the other copper came across and said that i wasn't actually allowed to drive the car home...even if i failed my blue slip inspection and it was straight home from the mechanic, which was new to me considering the mechanic said it was ok and so does the rta site but i just said ok and see what he does...didn't want to argue but then he also said...so have u removed ur boost controller yet? and your intercooler and all these other things, that i was defected for before, and because i had and i was doing everything by the books he let me go without a fine and said i had to tow it back home, but i lived not too far so i just drove it home...just trough small streats and very stealthy in my bring car...lol but yeh he told me that the fine woulda been like 1k and to change my rego...because the rego has a bad history i didn't know that the history only followed the rego, and also that they had all those details about specific defects so handy...like just over the radio found it funny that he asked if my license was current...because i just got off my p's 2 days ago wonder if he woulda given me a fine for not displaying p plates lols yeh any, this might be useless to some, but might be a good warning for others just thought i should spread the word if anything if its completely useless then u can just delete this thread too lols
  24. u guys were right i needed to put it onto the road for it to work well we all learnt sumthin new lols
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