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Everything posted by GTRPowa

  1. It says car 1 at the top. How many cars did they have? 6? 10? Media hype over a small snippet?
  2. What are the legalities of placing (for arguments sake) a dashcam and parcel shelf cam that faces outwards to monitor the streets for my own good? I want to protect myself from several things, some while driving, some while parked. I've heard that you can legally put cameras anywhere in any direction, as long as they are mounted to your car, as in, not mounted to a light post, letter box, street gutter, etc.
  3. Stated by me only just last night. It's total and utter bullshit. Everyone start filming your dash and drivers window, and start f**king these cops the way they f**k is. I'm fitting my car with a dashcam and a mic this week because of these exact reasons. This is very aggravating (assuming what you say is true of course) I hope all goes well, make sure you always log the time, date and the police car's number plates when they don't identify themselves. This way you have everything you need to identify him later.
  4. ok.... It's interesting to see people talk about Hoon laws in one place, discretionary powers being abused, etc. We also talk about defects, what is and isn't detectable, and how these overzealous police negatively affect us. But we accept that the police are trained "estimators of speed" and must accept the estimation they come up with. Whats to say that a police officer won't simply come up to you and say you were doing 45+ when you were 10 under? It may be the far end of the spectrum, but whats STOPPING them from doing this to us? I could see this getting pulled to bits by a lawyer. It's going to come to a day where you will have to record your daily activities, driving habits, how you wipe your ass - Because that will be the only way to protect yourself from stupid discretionary laws. For arguments sake, if an angry judge passing down big penalties, jail times etc, you can appeal it, and since his 'misconduct' is logged and can be used as evidence, you see appeals often go through without a hitch. But this is different, you could have been going 95 in a 100 zone, have a cop tell you that you were doing 130+, that you are a dickhead, a danger to society, yelling spitting, abuse. You take it to court KNOWING you weren't speeding, but the judge passes the 130+ as good judgement. So you end up with fines, abuse, possibly car being taken, all because you were acting within the law. I mean comon, f**k me.
  5. I agree with jarrod. You'd have to compare the actual torque curves. My argument is that the more max power, the less you will "feel" the torque. Although the torque is there, is doesn't compare to the sudden woosh shortly after. So for arguments sake, if you had a 300awkw GTR next to a 180awkw WRX, the difference between the torque and power on the GTR would make it 'feel' like it has less torque. However with the WRX since the delivery is more linear, it feels like there is more torque.
  6. I have the same issue with the rear turbo. Both the small pipe that goes around the cartridge and the longer one that goes to the engine underneath. Since I have to replace the longer one 'and' the one that goes around the cartridge, I was also thinking about putting the braided lines directly onto the cartridge. Sorry to bump but it would just be me asking in a new thread. Would it work? Anyone done it?
  7. Keep in mind too that small amounts of fuel is mixed with that air being "blown by". This dilutes your oil eventually turning it into a fuel-oil mix hardly offering protection. Keep an eye on your oil's quality if driving with "excessive blowby"
  8. He was asking, not complaining. How dramatic... Haha JEA! - Wait, no.. Fail. To the OP, the reason you're not getting pulled over all the time is because as you claim, you drive in a safe and respectable manner in the burbs. I haven't in the past and I've been nailed for it. There's something kinda cool about cruising within the limits anyways, these cars look fast while standing still.
  9. One of the reasons the split dumps are cheaper is because when you look at them, the pipes are the same diameter from one end to the other. This is a simple case of bending the pipes to the right angles, and welding away. The bell mouth adds complexity to manufacturing, which adds to the cost. You aren't getting "ripped off" paying extra for the bell mouths since they cost more to manufacture. From what I've read, the split dumps will give you boost creep on upgraded turbos. On a side note with the splits they usually come with a "divider" that sits in the turbo's exhaust housing to split the gasses. Well my -5's have sort of a divider in them already, and it's got a vein cut in it (I assume for better backpressure/wastegate gasses control) so I wouldn't be using the"divider" that came with the pipe. And besides the ones that come on the dump pipes aren't the same shape as the one's that come with the -5's. Steer clear all together with the splits. Basically, I went through this a few weeks ago with the same things in mind. I didn't want to spend $800+ on dumps, but now I have, and I know I've made the best decision. (bar looking for 33/43 dumps for my 32)
  10. Cheers for the info, always hard to find out from a glance when it's Aussie site with Aussie phone numbers and contacts all over it lol.
  11. I agree, but sit's still a source of confusion, hence I ended up with X-Force dumps, which I sent back. I always assumed Catco was another Chinese brand when I first saw them, until I actually spent 5 mins digging around. Excellent value cats for the price. A bit trivial I know, but aren't they Australian made? --- Cheapest alternatives to stock parts I've seen for value for money is: The HPI dumps, or Tomei. Bellmouth dumps, not splits, unless you get them big arse Tomei dump and front pipe combos. (saving the argument about stock dumps) Catco cats, same price, far superior quality Front pipe, whatever you want, it's a piece of pipe that's easy to replace and 'hardly' affects the sound level, never heard anything bad about cheap front pipes. Cat back, whatever you feel is necessary to keep the noise down, rule of thumb here was the Jap stuff had the best flow versus sound level, unless you go custom. My 2 cents
  12. The X-Force dumps I got were crap. The flanges weren't perfectly aligned, they aren't straight (flat edge) either. There was porosity in the welds, and had weld dags still in them. The flange IDs didn't match the pipe ID's. I replaced with a set of HPI's and without a doubt that are immensely better. They also have extended bungs, one was relocated slightly to stop the rear of the O2 sensor fouling on the firewall. They were very well thought out. Others have mentioned their experiences with the cats too. Unless you have the money to change them later, choose the right stuff the first time. If you are choosing dumps, they are timely (or expensive in labour) to replace, so choose wisely. This was all a few weeks ago, so I'm speaking from a matter of recent experience. Yes sure SOME might be fine, but from what I saw, I'd rather not take the gamble. There is still a big difference between Chinese and Japanese merchandise.
  13. So the holes you live in are better then the holes others live in... Thanks thread. -- I hope the owner find who did this. Not only for his own reasons and/or comforts, but to destabilize the criminal activity on our cars, especially of late. I knew idiots who (back in the day) used to steal cars, etc. Only took them to get nailed for it once and they stopped doing it. Best of luck.
  14. I was going to say this in another thread. Muchly agreed.
  15. Just to run a quick theory by you on that. If the cameras are digital by the nature of the medium they record on, most lock to specific frame rates, for arguments sake 30fps. Whats to say they can't simply derive how many 'frames' it takes you to cover a certain distance, say from one broken line on the road to the next? They can (with quite a decent accuracy) work out how fast you were going. It's one of the reasons that speed cameras in my area have extra triangles drawn on the road now. They take several shots and it simply adds to the case (as usable evidence) in court. All they need is a pre-determined distance and time (which is worked out by how many frames per second a video camera is recording at).
  16. Hope everyone is replacing their bashed out cats with some good replacements. Save the fines, save your wallet, save your car's paint, save the world (a bit)
  17. I will click this right now and order some boxes. When you send me the boxes, do they come in a box? Is THAT box free? Trying to plan my box purchase. Thanks again. --- On topic, I've had CTP only for 10 years, come out pretty good, getting comprehensive this year. Looks like I saved 10+ grand. Gamble paid off.
  18. Kinda skipped ahead on the thread here to add an after thought; Hi-flow cats aren't expensive. The people upgrading them have usually spent many thousands upgrading fuel and air systems already, and with the quality of metal cats and the likes nowadays, why wouldn't you use one? I've read time and time again you will hardly get ANY performance gains between a decat and hi-flow, so why would you knowingly poison our atmosphere, and (not aiming at anyone in particular) add to the negativity that these cars already receive? Not to mention the damage to your car, the 'book being thrown at you', etc Is 10kw (or less) really that important? -- Always use a cat. Read around, the days of negativity regarding cats are diminishing. Edit (I was also under the optimistic impression that people who own 350+kw cars understand how they work - including the cat - and can weigh the goods and bads (as they would with their self control of their right foot) and hopefully choose the right thing to do here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalytic_converter
  19. Just as they'd have to prove their good judgement and/or qualifications when defecting you for engine/vehicle modifications? They don't need to prove anything, they just need to form a hunch that something's wrong, and off you go to a place where people WILL know.
  20. Nothing specific to that map. Possibly a bad download, but could be a bad map file, or a texture/sound file that's used only on that map. I suggest replace the map with a copy off a friend's computer if you can, or repair/reinstall/redownload.
  21. Soz Marc, I thought you were saying +1 for no cameras, especially fixed ones. And if you read the rest from there, well it fits the opposite. You are right, and I guess now you are backed up lol. I just thought I should clarify this because the resident SAU community ie: Mr Eps, etc, seem to be quite alarmed about the whole misunderstanding, cheers. And sorry if it seemed like I was having a go at you Marc, I was simply making a statement. Some people here are fragile in nature.
  22. Over here when the law came out they add a restriction to the back of your license. For young drivers doing the right thing, if it's like our state, you won't get the restriction, it's only for new P platers after the law came out. Some friends a few years younger all had their P's and turbo cars. So in that effect, I'd assume you could buy a new car and still drive it since it's a license restriction in discussion. Basically, it shouldn't affect any CURRENT P platers and, it doesn't matter if the car is yours, or given, lent, customer car, or a work car that your boss tells you to drive. It's against the law if the restrictions apply to you.
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