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Whoretown - Now Interest Free


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come 2007, i`ll be using the next 2yrs to save up $150,000 for one of these!

i want one!

Id say they would be sold in Australia. From factory. Id rather buy that way with factory warrenty etc. I would also still probably rather a porsche. I cant see resale on a $150k nissan being too good. Especially if the porka is still better. (not saying it will be, but over 40years of development...) ((yes skyline has been around over 4years, but not with the same basic engine etc)).

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bah too al u. my dump pipe arrived today but i cant get it from the post office till 2moro, i work 8-5, and the post office is only open from 9-5, what do i do.....i hope they let my mum get it for me otherwise im screwed, il have to try and dodgy a few mins off work to duck home and try and get it.

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