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Exhaust Hung Like Horse

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Hey sorry bout the lame heading but it draws attention. I was just wondering if many of you guys have 3inch or larger exhausts on your car. I have a r33 GTS-T and the exhaust hangs down quite low. Cops were afraid it might hit the ground and sent me to get it looked at. I want the exhaust to sit up higher but it has to go under the diff and this it where my problem is mainly. Its hard to get your 100mm here. What have other ppl done. I am thinking of getting the whole exhaust modified to better fit the car so i can still have it lowish.

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Yeah its a pain in the ass. I have a flange right under the diff which sticks out like dogs balls. I loose like 10mm of clearance from that alone. My thoughts are to chop it out of that spot and weld back in somewhere higher. Then to make the rest of the exhaust hug the car beter i will prob use some of that stainless steel braided flex exhaust and that should be able to let the rest of the pipe sit higher.

When the flange is moved i might get the pipe near the diff squashed into a bit of an oval which will retain the volume still and give me good clearance.

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