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My little rant concerning QLD girls...

Guest neoGT-25

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Sorry James - I thought you were the guy that started this thread because I remember that he was 16 - but I went back and checked it out and it was NEO who was 16 (how the heck does a 16 yo get an R34????? I'm now pushing 30 and noooooo way could we afford one).

Doesn't matter what age you are James - don't give up hope.

Mrs Bludbunny

P.S. Don't throw away your computer - without my computer I would never have met my husband!

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James you are only 20 years old - way toooooo young to give up hope of one day marrying and having a family.

You are just going through a depressive stage - you need to get through this - and quite possibly at the end of the tunnel will be your new girlfriend.

Mrs Bludbunny

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Okay what do you want me to say? You are beyond help, you are destined to live your life single without ever having another girlfriend? There is no hope - that went out the window when you were the ripe old age of - mmmm let's say 17.

You have a few choices then - turn and become gay, join a monastry or just live with it.

Sorry I can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

Mrs Bludbunny

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Exactly - you find the nicest things in the strangest places - and you usually find exactly what you are looking for when you aren't looking for it. I.e. stop trying so hard and just let things happen - your new girlfriend is probably just round the corner.

I think your problem is you are trying too hard - you just gotta let it happen.

Good luck

Mrs Bludbunny

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Im gonna have to have a huge talk to you next meet! And snap you outta this crazyness!!!

There is nothing wrong with you... nothing at all.... the right girl will come along and sweep you off your feet and u will forget ever feeling like u do now...

Im gonna have to give u a decent talking too :) hehehe

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dude you cant look or find a gal

i beleive that "someone somewere is made for you"

they will show up least expected maybe even when ya offguard.

I meet my gal when she was 16 and i was 17 and now im 20 and comming through a little bit off problems in regards to have i had my fun with my friends....do i want to spend all my spare time with her and regret not having fun with the "boys" when i get married.. till today im still with her

at the age of 16 you should be hanging with friends and taking life ezy and taking each day as it comes....

ps at the age of 16 how the f#%k are u driving a r34

in sydney you have to be 17 to have ya p's im from sydney and italian chick and a place to show off ya car is Norton st Leichardt you will be amazed!

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