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hey dan how did you pull up yesterday?get the work done on the house?

Yeah. wasnt hungover at all :) ill bet you were a bit under the weather though. was a great night. oh yeah that chick is Jason's GF she's thinkin of movin up here from melbourne.

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Yeah. wasnt hungover at all ;) ill bet you were a bit under the weather though. was a great night. oh yeah that chick is Jason's GF she's thinkin of movin up here from melbourne.

What what?? which chick? the one with jason the other ngith you mean? so it wasnt his sister? :)

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What what?? which chick? the one with jason the other ngith you mean? so it wasnt his sister? :)

yeah that chick. Definately not his sister ;) Kinda funny though. within the space of a week we both end up with girlfriends, n I thought mine was far enough away livin in Brisneyland.

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i got a 3rd job today :down: so i am working 7 days a week and 17 hour days on thursday :D at least i will have the paint work on my car paid off in 7 weeks

I’ve always wondered how people with multiple (more so more then 2 jobs) explain to the other employers they can only work certain days at certain hours.

Wouldn’t they take that as a little demanding?

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no because my first job only want me day time monday to thursday.

second job is only fridays doing accounts up.

thursday night and saturday, sunday is retail at the civic only hours they have and need to fill.

it works some how.

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no because my first job only want me day time monday to thursday.

second job is only fridays doing accounts up.

thursday night and saturday, sunday is retail at the civic only hours they have and need to fill.

it works some how.

sounds like it, haha.

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ok so i tried the meguires plastic stuff and it worked a charm on one of the headlights, the one that was beggining to go yellow it got it all off and looks brilliant. unfortuantly the second one was not so kind. besides the fact the plastic is shinyer then before it is still horribly yellow.

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good to hear it about the first headlight,

Use it a few times.. you wont get the yellow tinge outta it the first time, i think its the type of product that needs a few applications (like armor all dash/vynl cleaner) and a maintenance product. try a few times throughout the week and see how it goes.

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question- how many of you guys have either been to uni, finshed uni or are currently studying? and is it really worth it?

i am considering applying to uni next semester while my op still counts for something. if you got the score i may as well use it i suppose.

I'm currently at uni, only reason I'm doing uni is to basically get a pay rise. With a piece of paper (uni or tafe) you can generally have more of a say in what pay rate you'll get.

I don't need uni to get a job, it's just expected that either people have some kinda of qualification these days in order for them to stand out over other applicants and be of more use to the organisation.

But in saying that, no point having a degree if you will never use it.

Gotta have my say :yes:

Edited by BLiNKsTaR
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damn another long weekend coming up yew! what is there to do Hmm.....

Ok...Its a long weekend bro...Dont be "Down" about it!!!! Cheer up!

I know what you could do... Drive "Down" town...But be careful!!! If you rest your arm on the window sill with the window "Down", you might burn your arm... And that would be "Down" right stupid....


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Ok...Its a long weekend bro...Dont be "Down" about it!!!! Cheer up!

I know what you could do... Drive "Down" town...But be careful!!! If you rest your arm on the window sill with the window "Down", you might burn your arm... And that would be "Down" right stupid....


better then beating yourself off at home though chris.

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yew another one.Well at least i get to have this one off.Time to go car hunting for the miss'us this weekend.

what does she want? she can buy my wifes car... its practical, economical, & fast! pretty cheap too. its for sale on here.

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