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whining noise under acceleration


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I've got a R32 GTR and it makes a whining noise under acceleration above 60kph or so, when I release the loud peddle the noise goes away. The boost is okay and the car goes just fine besides this stupid whining noise (note: girl friend not in car :))

Thought it might be thrust bearing but when its idling its not noisy (rattles a bit coz I got a twin plate clutch).

any1 got any ideas about this one.


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  • 5 weeks later...

the noise is probably coming from your gearbox or diff, (possibly)

its a common import problem, have you changed the oils?

persuming that this is the problem , my car does the same, probably alot of other ppl's too just they dont realise.

as for a soloution, i got no idea. but there might be some comfort in knowing your not alone. :P

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Could be even something like the alternator, and all the belts around that area or the bolts. More revs its spinning faster, could make sense - but then again it could be any one of the things those guys suggested..prolly gearbox most likely.

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Don't know if an R30 can even be comparable to this, but neway i have a whining noise coming from the transmission which is pretty screwed at the moment, so my guess is that it would either be your transmission or diff:D (But dont be like 1 of my mates who put banana skins in the diff to make it seem smooth *sigh*)

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