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Skyline car club.Supported by SST and Per4manz


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I don't think the sponsors should control the club.

I would like to have a say as Steve thomas but not as SST.

SST, Per4manz ETC are to be payed up advertisers and we may

have a help thread and tech days at our shops ETC.

The Pres stuff was a joke, The people nominate candidates for

positions then the club votes. I would like to be on a Motorsport

committie as i have been involved in the sport for21 years but its

up to the club.

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Originally posted by Nate

We have started a WA R31 Skyline Club already :) Have had a couple of cruises which have been successful with the turnout of members, about 10 carrs  + each time.. not many, but its just started, so its better than nothing :P

Nate, The type of club we are forming has CAMS affiliation, meaning we can hold our own sanctioned Motorkhana's, track days etc, we have been a loose club without structure for quite a while but with luck we can officially form this time.

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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

Nate, The type of club we are forming has CAMS affiliation, meaning we can hold our own sanctioned Motorkhana's, track days etc, we have been a loose club without structure for quite a while but with luck we can officially form this time.

Oh.. i heard there are insurance discounts with CAMS affiliation for a club. If there are 40 members at least, it works out to be only $10 a member for CAMS affiliation :) Track insurance is the hefty bill though.. Will be good to see some R32/33 GTR's in the Motorkhana events though :P

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personally i would prefer the club to be financially supported by the individual members. that way we all have equal say and input into a club we have all contributed to in a way...

i have read the other thread and it appears that individual financial backing isnt going to happen, so if we are to form a club it may need sponsorship. No offence to anyone, but as many have previously expressed there shouldnt be a self-elected hierarchy. however it makes it hard to avoid when an individual or small group has put money into the creation of the club.

already the president and board thing is getting messy and with an individual sponsor there will always be bias. for example i believe that all moderators are worth candidates, i know we've mentioned troy but joe (despite his sometimes 'interesting' speeches :cool:) would make a good president or board member. we dont need a public speaker to be in charge, and we certainly dont want a power-hungry admin team who will spoil the experience for others.

no doubt the best intentions will carry throughout the proceedings but it seems to me that SAU is about to transform into an even bitchier, more politically biased 'club'.

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I think many of you are getting carried away with the whole idea.

The sponsors will have no influence over the club other than being members themselves, so there is no worry of them trying to run things.

When the club is first formed those members who start it off will be able to nominate people to be on the various commitee's, and as members join, then in the following AGM's different people can be elected into the positions.

If you want to have you say and or influence in the decision making then be one of the founding members:D

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BTW, The SAU forums and the SAUWA club have nothing to do with one another as Prank has pointed out previously.

SAU forums will always be here for anyone to chat about Skyline related stuff, SAUWA Club will be a completely seperate entity, and as such, all people from complete newbies to old timers will be eligible for commitee positions.

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it may not officially be a part of SAUWA but as everyone knows, this is where it all began. and unofficially it will always be the roots of any official organisation or club that we establish.

as i said before, money is power. and where there are disproportionate financial influences then not everyone will have an equal say

(i am not a communist)

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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

I think many of you are getting carried away with the whole idea.

what do you mean? let's get this thing up and running!

Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

The sponsors will have no influence over the club other than being members themselves, so there is no worry of them trying to run things.

I find very hard to believe that, sponsor/s will have no influence over the club.

Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

When the club is first formed those members who start it off will be able to nominate people to be on the various commitee's, and as members join, then in the following AGM's different people can be elected into the positions.

Is this mean newbies's vote counts? (no offence to new people who just join last couple of month) :cool:

Originally posted by adam 32

personally i would prefer the club to be financially supported by the individual members. that way we all have equal say and input into a club we have all contributed to in a way....

I agree with adam on that one. if we can find people willling to put couple of hundred $$ for SAU WA club.

Originally posted by adam 32

no doubt the best intentions will carry throughout the proceedings but it seems to me that SAU is about to transform into an even bitchier, more politically biased 'club'.

that's what I am affraid of happening, let's hope that dosent happen.

me two cents



Perth Cruise Nazi

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Why would the sponsors have any more influence than any other member? They will be members themselves, and as such would need to be voted into any position.

Yes, even newbie members have equal votes, no super-votes to long-timers.

The money is just to start the club going, after that we will be self reliant, as we would be a non-profit orgainisation, and any fund-raising we do has to be spent on the club.

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Now now eazy up boyz...

1.Package is comming my way, then troy from ministry of fair trading.

2.Paul- if you can pass on that package to troy ASAP, that would be faster.

3. ATM exam week so I wont be help much ATM.

4.will sort this thing out when we get exact date of the AGM meeting. also we can put our meeting on news paper (which is requirement for association;registering SAUWA name) when we get the paper work done (killing two birds with one ston) kinda thing.

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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

The money is just to start the club going, after that we will be self reliant, as we would be a non-profit orgainisation, and any fund-raising we do has to be spent on the club.

like what exactly?

last time I checked, people weren't a fan of things like 'show 'n' shines' and the like, whereas mc days etc are going to cost

If noone is keen to do any non-sporting events, the sponsors will be up for a lot, as the club will be spending more than it'll be making

So you'll have to find out what people are keen to do; otherwise the financial backing of SST and Per4manz may be very shortlived indeed

I agree with Adam, the $60-$70 establisment fee should be paid by all, and some kind of member fee should be incorporated. This will both generate funds and give the members a firmer (and more democratic) foundation; instead of another entity solely funding and therefore allowing themselves a 'levy' at any point in time

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