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Moving To Brisvagas Next Few Months.


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Congratumalations, I hope this means we'll be seeing you round some time :wub: We're all friendly and contrary to popular belief none of us have syphilis :D

Yeah I'll be getting into the Skyline scene once again. I really think its time I became an official member of SAU (QLD of course).

Edited by RedDrifter
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^^^ bahahaha..

welcome back I suppose.

I moved here from sydney too.

the prices on rentals and housing are getting closer though..

even in the last year..

what do you do for work?

who is the job with?

I work in the radio/microwave communications game as a technician. Been in this field for about 6 years now. Did my time as an apprentice in Townsville for 4 years and I have spent the last 2 in Sydney working for a company called Vertel. I'm getting back to my bread and butter in Brissy with conventional radio again.

I'll be setting my roots down in Brissy.

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Radio's ay, i done fair bit of sig stuff and antenna on fly sorta thing, my old man is a radio nut as well. we are looking at putting up a huge antenna in the backyard actually.

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So what sort of track meets do you guys have?

There are skid pan days, and track days out at QR often enough, then there is also drifting that isnt done through the club yet....

there are meets every week to catch up and chat, run by a few people.. alot to do.

cya soon matey.

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There are skid pan days, and track days out at QR often enough, then there is also drifting that isnt done through the club yet....

there are meets every week to catch up and chat, run by a few people.. alot to do.

cya soon matey.

sure is lots to do.. best to organise a few things with the forum regulars.. ppl that organise events.. lakesideguy is for track days

the coffee meets are good.. and drifting at archy every second wednesday arvo... I LOVE IT...

ther is a mountain cruise soon... look at my sig for details..

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