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Dude buy my f**king rims already.

Luke, you got twin pipes on the GTR?

Yes I do my friend :)

C'mon Dave, buy the rims, guaranteed pussy, even you can't f**k that up

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He is guaranteeing pussy remember...
C'mon Dave, buy the rims, guaranteed pussy, even you can't f**k that up

luls. im good.

Buy my stagea for 50grand & I'l throw in the wife

yours to keep

how good a deal is that (for me !!)


think id be getting the short end of the stick on that transaction.

i can imagine the conversation at the bank;

me: i need a 50 thousand dollar loan.

teller: ... why?

me: just buying some guys wife. you know. same old thing.

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luls. im good.

think id be getting the short end of the stick on that transaction.

i can imagine the conversation at the bank;

me: i need a 50 thousand dollar loan.

teller: ... why?

me: just buying some guys wife. you know. same old thing.

free car tho !!!

not any old car - 320kw at the engine thanks very much

and once the S15 injectors drop in, and tune the AEM F/IC-8, she'll have another 30kw at least ontop of that

so, you get a hornbag dirty little girl who takes it all ways but the mouth (sorry lads, yeah bummer, tell me about it)

so she's open 24/7 52 weeks of the year

and the car goes just as hard


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