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Skylines Stolen Around Hobart


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Ey! Im new to the forums as im just about to pick up my 33 on monday! :D But something to be not so happy about is the fact that a couple of skylines have been stolen and burnt out over the last couple of weekends. My mate had an R33 S1 and his wife took it to mures for work on sat night (about 3 weeks ago), left it parked there and when she finished work it was gone. They found it in glenorchy at about 6am burnt out. Nothing was salvagable. Also i heard another 33 was stolen the weekend after that from red wood road in kingston. And now last weekend a guys VL Turbo was stoled and burnt out. This is farked!! What u guys recon, should we be worried or just make sure u have an immobiliser, alarm and insurance....?

Edited by MAT00
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Mate it's an unfortunate part of life now but Insurance is basically as important as rego itself on cars, regardless of what you drive or where you live. Please don't scrimp on it & maybe one day end up in the realm of too many people on here crying over they UN-INSURED stolen or otherwise messed-up car.

Good Luck with your new purchase & enjoy!!

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This has been happening a hell of a lot lately around here, and most Skyline owners I know are definately worried. immobiliser, alarm and insurance is just essential, but most skyline owners i know place more value on their car than any insurance company will.

You just have to be careful where you park it, no suburb is safe though at the moment.

I must say, the amount of robberies I have heard of, where engine parts have been stolen, directly correlates to the amount of beaten up vl turbos I have seen/heard on the road lately......

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Where we live, you shouldn't be worried Matt. However, I guess if your driving it into work you'd be taking a risk there.

Sadly there are now car thieves around Hobart who seem to be able to work their way around immobilisers and alarms and have no sense of apprehension whilst breaking into cars.

Edited by ArBe20
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hi mate

welcome to skyline ownership. i hope you have manny good times with your car.

yes insurance is a must and an alarm and imobiliser is also good but i can not stress enough that 99% of imobilisers are instaled incorectly. ie they are just way to simple to get past in the first place. i know this as every one i have bypassed at work has been very simple and mounted in the same place every time and it litery takes me 5 mins tops to bypass them and if i wasnt fussed about pulling the interior apart properly than it would be less. basicly dont ge it installed by autobarn of a place that just does alarms as they are done to a price so they install them quick and easy which makes getting past them quick and easy.

take it to a decent auto elec (big company) and tell them that you want it wired in to cut off things like the fuel pump and ignition coils and not tapped into the ignition barrel like the 99% of others which usualy only isolate the startor motor which can be easy bypassed without going past the immobiliser.

just some food for thought. damo

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Definatly get the alarm + insurance, and tell them everything & be careful - I had an R32 with a bit of a scratch on the rear, I told them about it twice in seperate conversations, ok. But then I needded to upgrade to business use on the insurance, told them about the scratch and they canned my insurance. I was most of the way through repairing it and the car got stolen... Me = Shafted.

-Oh and calling the cops is about as useful as sending out a sniffer turtle - complete waste of time.

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hope mines safe on blocks in a garage, with no way to start it due to lacking half the engine.

This method is working for me too.... crank in launceston engine at mechanics in hobart, car in driveway.... works well

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i got my first line about 6weeks ago and someones already tried stealing it!

I woke up JUST THEN to my alarm beeping as u disarm it, looked out the window and someone was leaning in the drivers side door. Young guy early 20's wearing a hat. He looked up saw me looking out the window and ran off with another person(no idea where the 2nd person came from), they got in a car and drove off...couldnt see the car because of some bushes. So now im trying to stay awake incase they come back :)

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