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Crazy Petrol Prices


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hey guys,

just heard on the the news petrol price will hit 2 dollars and maybe higher by the end of the year how crazy is that!

this is bad for us since our cars like to chew the petrol this might even force me to sell my baby if this happens, other wise run a second car that is cheaper on petrol and leave my BABY skyline for weekends only..

whats everyones reviews on this?

Edited by smiddidR32
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suck it up and take it on the chin, theres nothing you can do about it. Unfortunately no-one wants it to be like that, but it is. I think that once petrol gets up to that much there will be increased regulation on the industry, and at that point the government will have to step in and maybe reduce the taxes per litre.

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i thought about getting a second car, but then i realised how much pertol i would have to buy before i actually started saving money. if you take the difference between $1.30/L and $2/L (70c) then multiply that but the no. of litres you buy per week, is that really more expensive than the cost of running a second car

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the cost of petrol doesnt really affect me, as i have a company car with unlimited use and a fuel card.

my liner is only a weekend car, but still chews through atleast 50 bucks.

i do feel for the people that are spending there hard earned $$ on petrol, just to get to work and back.

this factor, combined with rising interest rates, makes it very hard on the wallet.

selling my skyline to cope with either of these factors is just not an option imo.

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yours is non turbo right?

yeppp non turbo.

even though lpg prices have hit almost 80 cents...thats ALOT better than the 1.70 im paying for 98 octane

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i was thinking if it gets too dear of catching the bus to work

yeah jump on the wagon steve, i catch the bus to the train station, then train to adelaide, and vice versa, every day, for $26.90 per week, even tho multitrip tickets are going up a bit. I cant understand the theory behind the thousands of people who drive to work, pay for parking (at least $10 per day) and drive home again, when public transport is so much cheaper. alot of people have mixed opinions about the public transport system, but it really isnt that bad at all!

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yeppp non turbo.

even though lpg prices have hit almost 80 cents...thats ALOT better than the 1.70 im paying for 98 octane

yeah same price as 98 octane here. but the advantage for u is no boost, when my 34 hits boost you just watch the petrol guage drop :D

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My Ceffy gets about 300-350k's a tank, 50 litre tank is quite small.. But it just drinks it. :) I have another car that I use to get to work, and that does me wonders, fill it up once every week or two weeks, I dont really drive it anywhere else during the week. Unfortunately its a Volvo lol... but it definetly does the job. It was free... :D

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My Ceffy gets about 300-350k's a tank, 50 litre tank is quite small.. But it just drinks it. :) I have another car that I use to get to work, and that does me wonders, fill it up once every week or two weeks, I dont really drive it anywhere else during the week. Unfortunately its a Volvo lol... but it definetly does the job. It was free... :)

coysey!!! that volvo would prob still be quicker than the ceffy though ay? :D

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coysey!!! that volvo would prob still be quicker than the ceffy though ay? :D

Wouldnt know... clutch is pretty much f**ked LOL!

At the moment it is though. :) But things have started on the repairs of the Ceffy! WOO! Shouldnt take to long. :)

I wouldnt mind getting my bike license and getting a bike, but thats expensive now too. :)

Edited by AdMan
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^^ GOOD. get a new diff while your there!! lol.

yeah the bike license has gone up mate, not to mention the amount of people who seem to like having near misses with bikes on the road.

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this subject doesnt need any more coverage. thats half the problem, and i for one am f**king sick of hearing about it.


Half the reason fuel goes up is because stupid idiots run around claiming "fuel will be $X.XX by such-such time". Then the fuel companies work together and jack it up, because we're "expecting" it to.


Okay, I'm going to try and work it the other way. "Fuel will be $1.25 by the end of the year"


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