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Some Guy Wrote Down My Number Plate Today! What The Hell!


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he was really trying to play with himself inconspicuously while looking at the ass of your car. probably this guy


all seriousness, ive had ppl write my old number plates down bak in the stupid days, but nothing ever came of it.

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First thing you should be doing is not driving like a tool

second thing is not doing it in a skyline, I get enough shit in my own while the car is dead cold at 9am in the morning doing 30

third thing is, if you have SAU stickers on your car, I'm going to throttle you...

Just stop driving like a tool and you won't have to worry about what's coming in the mail...

yea i know - i dont know why today i felt like being an idiot...i was just in high spirits as i said (good news from doctor) - next time i wont be so quick to forget ay....sorry SAU - still getting used to holding the rep of all skyline owners and the SAU club.

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i couldnt be bothered reading everyones posts, so excuse/ignore me if it is a re-post.

i have had a bit of expirience with this sort of thing.

1. on duty cop = your in trouble

2. off duty cop = they may make a note against your rego so the next on duty cop that pulls up your plates will give you a hard time.

3. Civillian = may make a complaint to police and then follow point 2

Id say your in the clear this time, take it as a lesson and dont attrack any unwanted attention in the future.

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well, i was sick of worrying so i just rang up my local cop station and told the lady at the other end exactly what happend...she said that if they get a report all they will do is ring me up and asked me what happend...and she said your innocent untill proven guilty......that was comforting....and then i asked what happens if its a cop of dutty - and all she said was that ther are lots of cops that dont do anything when there off duty and not to worry.......

maby shes trying to lul me into a false sence of security so that she can ruin my life even more...hmmm

you are taking this way to seriously!!

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i'll just ignore mr 12000 post's.

That's a very stupid thing to do mate. Take a look under the post count and you might bother to notice that he's an admin, not very wise to annoy them when you're new to the forum chum.

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you are taking this way to seriously!!

well its not that im worried about the consiquences....as i said befor i just want to know what they can do about it....ignorance is bliss :P if i didnt see the guy do it i wudnt have posted up this pointless topic and probly wudnt have had doof tell me of and probly wudnt have learnt a lesson.....also probly wudnt have had a convo with Sl!m about posting up pointless topics either - this is my last one for a little while btw lol - Sl!m found a good way to explain what i have been like as newbie on the forum > http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting < pretty funny...i told him i would get him back for that :P

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damnn - thats not comforting - anyone know of anything like this....

I can understand the psychology of that Yaris driver, in that...

i) he's got you to put up this thread on SAU

ii) he knows that you're going to cop punishment from Members right here and

iii) he wants you to HAVE BAD DREAMS TO-NIGHT!!!


Oh yeh... Don't drive like tool!

R U a quick learner???

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i'll just ignore mr 12000 post's.
That's a very stupid thing to do mate. Take a look under the post count and you might bother to notice that he's an admin, not very wise to annoy them when you're new to the forum chum.

hahah he will learn Zilch - even i knew this rule - admin = power = experience = respect = dont mess with = nice mr admin guy sir :P

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R U a quick learner???

:P getting quicker and quicker - soon ill be so quick you wont see my mistakes anymore <- that in no way refers to my driving speed (wud kinda defeat the perpose of the learning...)

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That's a very stupid thing to do mate. Take a look under the post count and you might bother to notice that he's an admin, not very wise to annoy them when you're new to the forum chum.
hahah he will learn Zilch - even i knew this rule - admin = power = experience = respect = dont mess with = nice mr admin guy sir :P

like his ego needs a top up.... :P

anyway, what did you do to this Yaris that warrants you worrying about it so friggin much n00bie?

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The answer is above.

No nothing can be done so dont worry. People these days cant wait to complain its like its programmed into the gene pool at birth! Honestly if you think back people have been driving fast for years and its only now police are hard in enforcing it. All the complainers most likely had an accident have been part of an accident (which I can understand) or never got the chance (90%) and thats why they think they are captain planet.

I understand your issue and have experence in such an issue, your mind set was perhaps not needed but I can feel for the situation (i.e like a straight road at 4am) you just have to resist that urge.

Ive learnt, take it as a learning experence and work on it for the future.

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+1 to ^

on a seperate note, here in NZ, if a civilian complained to the cops about someones driving, eg spirited driving, etc, they can have the "offender" taken to jail or do some community service. I know, NZ's law is so f**ked up its own ass that even the law gets confusing! It happened to a few friends of mine where they took him to court and he ended up doing some community service, ONLY because he overtook a lazy f**ker doing around 80k on the open road. Trust me, you guys have it sweet compared to NZ law which everyone in NZ hates, except the criminals!

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Cant dream when you didnt get any sleep!! - nah i slept like a rock! - i got other things to worry about - like HSC :)

i was never really worried about it in the 1st place!!! i just want to know what they can do - altho when then guy a few posts up said that in NZ you can go to jail i wass like - wtf :no: glad i live in auz even more! :P

how about you terry - good dreaming last night?

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