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Obx Turbo's And Parts

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Is anyone on here familiar with OBX turbo's and parts in general? Are they any good? they seem middle road price wise.. quality looks good in pictures and sounds good in their sales splurge.. What is the reality though?

Thank you


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I thought they were US based.. Well was led to believe that.. Okay.. so steer well clear.. In that case what do you think of Master Power turbo's? I have heard good things in the US but not too much outside of there?



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a mate has a master power on his xe falcon, his (i think they all are) is a bush bearing, seems to go well tho, he only has it on 10psi tho as it is a standard 250 and is already making 180rwkw.

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OBX sppears to be the exactly the same as all the no-name crap from china, but they have just done a better job of branding it. IMO its crap and youd be better off just buying the crap no-name stuff for cheaper as its exactly the same. some parts are alright such as exhausts, fuel rails and camgears, even though the degree markings ore often a little out but you dial them on a dyno anyway. stay away from FPR's as they break, BOV's leak etc and anything that has precise moving parts

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their seats are fine and adr approved unlike most jap brands.

so what's with the anti-china talk? in the 70s you would get exactly the same feedback about japanese cars.....

you can pay top $$$ or you can take a chance with cheap. its like that with anything you buy in the world why should car parts be any different?

btw where did the computer you typed on come from?

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touche :D

their seats are fine and adr approved unlike most jap brands.

so what's with the anti-china talk? in the 70s you would get exactly the same feedback about japanese cars.....

you can pay top $$$ or you can take a chance with cheap. its like that with anything you buy in the world why should car parts be any different?

btw where did the computer you typed on come from?

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