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Major engine probs...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Sup guys... its been awile since i posted last. Alot has happened since then.

Well here we go ... I sold my GTS-t and bought a tuned GTR back in Feb. When I went to go pick it up from the dealer the turbos died right their on the spot. So I had to replace the broken HKS 2540's with a set of Nismo T04E's from my friends wrecked R33.

Anyhow it was in the shop for about a month and a half. Then after a couple weeks driving time and a few good runs the engine starts to knock really bad...(it started knocking on the way down to the track :( under normal conditions!!!) Well I just got it back from the shop. They replaced the crank bearings and conrod bearings with the Nismo lemans bearings and new oil pump and a HICAS cancel kit and a bunch of other stuff. Anyhow it ran great for the first day, then today I took it up to Amori (northern Japan) to get me a new BOV cause my old one is way to small and it started knocking again ......

God D!@@%##!@#% !@#%

Any how I called the shop and they are coming up tomorrow to pick it up.

What should I do? The first bill was 366,968 Yen Ouch!!

I need input....I feel like pulling out all my hair and run around like a chicken with its head cut off. This car is driving me crazy!!!


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