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Sau Deca Feb 09 Wrap Up


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Another awesome DECA!

Cheers to all organisers and volunteers, turned out to be a fantastic day and great weather too! Was good to meet some new people and see everyone giving it a good shot!

Ive got tonnes of video footage, what/wheres the quickest/easiest way to upload?

..and only 12 weeks till the next DECA, thats crazy!

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Ive got tonnes of video footage, what/wheres the quickest/easiest way to upload?

use vimeo, way better quality than youtube.


and if you are using a mini-dv camera, check out this tutorial on using free software called handbrake to compress them for uploading/vimeo/etc. quality comes out great.

pm me if you need a hand

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Well for a trip I really couldn't be arsed making it turned out to be an awesome weekend! Big thumbs up to the guys for making the trip down from NSW - you guys were great. Soooo many stories I could tell but as Al said what happened is Shep stays in Shep. Dee and I took lots of pics so I'll get them up tonight, there is sure to be some good one plus a video of the huge brawl at the Ausssie :) Big thanks to Stavros and Percival for the entertainment also!

Some of my highlights include -

The double tower of heart attack power burger that Adrian and I made for our lunches - Ash you're out of a job

The ride in Steve’s FAST GTR and drive in Al’s FAST GTSt – some seriously awesome cars

Funnels, funnels and more funnels

Sarah + Margarita= funny! :)

Honorary Brisby - my replacement drinking partner till the real Troy is back

“How good to I look after having a baby 5 weeks ago – pretty good huh” then being given a phone expecting to see a picture of her baby only to find her in skimpy underwear while being harassed by her mother – that was almost Wangaratta “mother/daughter threesome” the second!

Having to prevent a mother/daughter try to drag off a overly intoxicated nameless SAU member ;)

Dim Sims at 1am – mmmmm dims sims!

NOT going to the strippers and being served Scotch and Dry's with no Scotch! :)

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haha so many people reading this thread and not much posting, me thinks that every one is just waiting for the vids,

i think there was HEAPS of vid footage this time compared to other times, thats why everyone's hanging out for it.

yep, definetly hanging out waiting for vids and pics to be posted :)

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lol, can't say I noticed that until it was pointed out...but lots of funny shit, you had to be there really hahah..what happens in shep stays in shep lol

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well as per usual I'm slowly ripping and uploading video.

1.3 Gig uploaded so far, should be another 1.5 - 2 Gig to go

will link when they are done

the GoPro external cam seemed to work ok.

Footage was nice but sound was crap, need to work on the settings.

higher quality will be avalibe when rest of stuff uploaded but to give an idea:

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DECA is great - thanks everyone for an awesome weekend.


* Funnels on Friday night as soon as Adz arrived (before dinner)

* Antics around the pool

* Schmiko and all those black smirnoffs

* Gate!!!

* Shane not being able to hold a convo at dinner

* Walking into the Aussie Bar (just me, Dee and Kylie) and straight into the middle of an in-all-brawl

* Ryan pretending to be gay

* Wayne :)

* Leon - aka "Stand in Brisby"

* Sarah drinking 1/3 of a margharita and Adz finishing it

* The 2 old sleezeballs at Rawhide

* Eating food from Mobil at 3am coz someone thought it would be tastier than the hot dog van - im not sure how, but it was better

* Adrian on Sunday morning - "Why are my pants wet??"

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awesome weekend - pretty much a perfect day for it. Definately a fan of the flying finish.

Thanks to everyone that made the day's events possible.

night time shenanigans lived up to the hype hehe - had a bit of everything :) oh and we had one of those hot dogs from the hot dog van (first dog off the rank too) and i reckon not much would have come close to it at that time of night!

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Damn that was funny! Kept steve and I laughing for ages. Already got my outfit sorted for next deca can't wait

* Adrian on Sunday morning - "Why are my pants wet??"
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DECA is great - thanks everyone for an awesome weekend.


* Leon - aka "Stand in Brisby"

On the way home Leon was asking me .Who the f#*k is this Brisby.

Every 1 kept calling me Bris...

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