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Can We Run E10 In The V35

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Was interested to see if my V35 could run on E10 but according to this website only post 2004 model can?

Now from what I know theres no diff betwean a 03 and an 04 V35

So did nissan change its fuel lines or injectors or something after 2004?

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Dunno mate, but I guess it doesn't matter.

Shell has already stopped making their E5 100RON Optimax Extreme fuel,

and most E10 fuel out there sold by independent fuel retailers are based

on regular unleaded with around 95 or 96 RON.

You'd still be better using 98RON BP Ultimate/Mobil Synergy 9000/Shell Optimax from the RON point of view....

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Shell has already stopped making their E5 100RON Optimax Extreme fuel,

Perhaps the price of oil and therefore petrol is back below the point where ethanol is competitive price wise? (for now)

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Well i was wondering cus up here in far north qld there is a lot of stations that sell E10 95/96 petrol @ the same price as regular if not cheeper which is usualy about 20c per L cheeper than optimax or ultimate 98

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try it for a few weeks and see what happens.

you will get less kms and you will feel your car doesnt like it.

Japan has a very high grade RON fuel and the computers know this (learnin computers)

it is best to you the top grade fuel if possible.

Your car will love you for it and you wont get all the crap left in your motor that lower grade fuels give you.

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Have never ran it in the V35's i had, but have used it for a little while in my 04 Maxima and i wouldn't recommend it. Regardless of what Nissan says.

I noticed the Max started pinging a little off the lights under load, and after looking into it, found that Nissan Aus where only recommending certain brands of 98 Octane for the VQ35. Even though the Maxima's are listed as ok for E10, and that 95 is also ok.

Looking into it more, I'm finding the VQ35's are very sensitive to fuel.

Off the top of my head, the recommended fuel was either BP, Caltex or Mobil. People were still have probs with Shell apparantly.

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I also used shell when i had the V35, and didn't notice any probs.

I'm strictly just going off what a few different Nissan service guys have said in different states.

Pretty much all agreed that the VQ35's (in the Maxima's) only ran as they should on 98, and it was common that Shell wasn't a preferred fuel.

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