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Launching With Traction Control


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What happens when u launch with traction control on ?

Where dose that power go ?

What are the effects of Launching with Traction Control on your gearbox and clutch ?

I eagerly await your answers my fellow SA friends. thanks for your help :happy:

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What happens when u launch with traction control on ?

Where dose that power go ?

What are the effects of Launching with Traction Control on your gearbox and clutch ?

I eagerly await your answers my fellow SA friends. thanks for your help :happy:

if you have a GTT manual.

the traction control shuts a 2nd butterfly in the throttle body. ie no air = no power = no wheel spin

you will find that the car will bog down really bad, ie my 34 would actually stall if i dumped the clutch.

I actualy ground down the traction controll butter fly a tiny amount so that when it was fully closed a small amount of air could still get past. ie not enough to fry the tyers but still enough to get the car moving. with a slight chirp of the tyres.


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iv noticed with mine it dosnt bog down bad. feels liek the clutch is slipping and as soon as the SLIP lights turns off BANG back on power.

i dont launch with traction control as our traction control isnt advance enough to manage the right amount of power to get it of the line nice and quick like the current cars do.

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