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R32 Rb20det Welch Plug Help

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Hey all i poped a welch plug under the inlet manifold and im wondering if there is a way to change

these with out removing the inlet manifold its one closer to the front of the motor.

Also why would it be getting to hot i am running a large thermo fan new thermostat and 50mm alloy r

radiator and still gets hot ??


Please help any guides or picks would be great

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i have just about finished doing this my car and let me tell you......never again if you want to do it right you will have to remove the intake manifold, also replace them with brass ones and use plenty of stag or take it to a mechanic because its migraine

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Replace ALL the welsh plugs while you are about it. If one has failed, the rest can't be too far behind.

Your overheating problem is probably because you are running a thermo fan (that's my experience, anyway).

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Because a thermo fan relies on on air moving through the radiator only when the car is moving. This isn't always guaranteed. Air can escape out under the car rather than pass through the radiator.

The factory fan is always working, and always draws air through the radiator.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to high Jack your thread but in my build the rb30det I'm missing the welsh plug under injector 1 problem is it ain't showing up as a part on the Nissan system . Do you know where I can hunt this ? It's 13. Mm in diameter

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