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mp3 stacker?


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Hi guys (and girls),

Was wondering if anyone knew if i could connect a MP3 stacker up to my existing deck. I already have a CD stacker but would like mp3. Only trouble i have is that my stereo is an addzest unit so i'm wondering two things:-

a) does clarion make an mp3 stacker?

B) will it connect to my existing azzest head unit?

Appreciate any informed responses that people can offer.

Cheers! :P

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while i dont know definetly..my answer would be 'i doubt it'

mp3 decoding of the cd is done in the headunit itself, the stacker i dont think does anything except scan and read the cd in the magazine slot and send all the info the the headunit to decode and interpret.

as for the clarion mp3 stacker availibitly question, i dunno, check www.clarion.com or .au to see whats around.

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8 hours even gets a bit low once you get used to mp3 - as you often decide you only want to listen to a couple of albums on each compliation, and end up swapping discs all the time anyhow (I've found).

There are definitely mp3 stackers available, that can stack mp3 discs giving hundreds of hours of playback. Definitely a good investment if u hate changing cd's.

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Thought I'd add in to this one...

1) MP3 decoding IS done by the CD stacker, it decodes and sends plain audio signals to your head unit.

2) Clarion do make a MP3 stacker, unfortunately it's in their DVD stacker... Whether an Addzest (Japanese Clarion) stereo will connect to a standard Clarion stacker is another matter, but both the Addzest and Clarion Australia stacker share the same part no. (VCZ625). Will also depend on what series your stereo is, but most manufacturers design things so they are backwards-compatible. You may want to call Clarion to confirm.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks very much all for the replies.

Cooks44 :) Champ :D

I will have to investigate further with clarion. My head unit is CeNet compatible and fairly top of the range by the looks of it. Will definitely look into it further. Maybe if i get DVD stacker i have just the excuse to buy that TV i've been wanting for a while :uh-huh:

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I bought a kenwood 10 disc mp3 stacker about 2 months ago, which decodes by itself, and runs through the head unit, which isnt mp3 capable

Ill find the model number if you're interested

Cost about $530 for the stacker and $200 for the head unit

I gave up trying to find a stacker that would suit my stock head unit, and that was my best value for money option in the end, save going for an fm modulation unit, but the sound quality is better out of the kenwood head unit anyways, plus the stock didnt have a line out to feed my subs


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i've had the same idea, i have a cenet double din with existing stacker, wouldn't mind adding a MP3 stacker into that! if you find one, post approx cost and location! cheers

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