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Japan and Indirect (and direct!) Rascism...


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Sorry to thoes I offended, I am a fool, I feel like one and retract all previous statements, I apologise to those I offened and am sorry. I am an Aussie and accept anyone for who they are and not why they talk or look like. I was prolly drunk or something when I worte that.

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I have been in Japan for the past 9 months and get plenty of stares... chicks dont seem to be a problem?

My missus` parents love me so maybe I am just lucky?

My Japanese is too sh!t to notice much racism so I dunno I am loving it here atm.

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When i was 15 i stayed in a country town south of Nagoya on the atsumi peninsula for a year long exchange. All in all it was a good experience but damn they can be pretty rascist and kunty sometimes. I'm a say what you mean type of bloke so all their beat around the bush ways of asking and talking about things really shi@@ed me off. you really have to have your "gaman" powers up at all times aye. Bein at school over there i tried my best to pimp it with the schoolgirls + girls in general and had decent sucsess so it all evened out in the end. Just turn off your "give a sh!t sensors" and japan is a good place 2 be. stayed in osaka for 2 weeks which was much more freindly but had 2 wake up at 5 every morning and cram into those f@cking sardine can trains to get to school.

a wise gaijin once said... "you know u've been in japan too long when it seems normal"

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When I first moved to Japan I was a bit younger so was totally oblivious to the fact that people could actually not like a foreigner living in their country. But as time went by and as I began understanding more about the culture, language an people all these little things that I never noticed before really began to stick out. I'm talking about small stuff like the constant staring, the subtle comments, the not sitting next to a gaijin on the train, the giggling at the foreigner....you people know what I'm talking about. To this day, after 11 years (on and off) in this country I still get little children pointing at me and shouting to their mothers "look ma, a gaijin". Granted I live in bumble ***c but you really have to wonder how closed a society must be to come up with such reactions in the 21st century!

Anyway it doesn't bother me one bit, its all part of the experience. I've met a few people, no sorry, many people, that have managed to ruin their experience here in Japan simply because they 1 resented their foreigner status, and 2 expected everything to be the same as in their country. You just have to accept stuff, what the point of complaining and whingeing...this is a different world and you should take it as it is, not as a continuos comparison to your own country. I've had a few very bad experiences, one of them with an old girlfriend where her parents hated me so much they could burn me alive, only for knowing their daughter was going out with a gaijin!

Anyway I've had some amazing times here in Japan. There is no way little things like that will spoil stuff for me. You just have to realize that no matter what you will always be a foreigner and a very small percentage of people will secretly hate you for it. You will always be more tolerated than actually accepted. And thats how things will always be in Japan. Nothing we can do about it so lets concentrate on the good things I say. Its kind of a "love-hate" relation ship, just try and concetrate on the "love" par of it and try to deal with the "hate" in a constructiove way.

.... but the only thing that really p1sses me off though is being instantly branded an American every time anyone spots me. This I really can't stand! This is the only thing that bothers me!:D

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.... but the only thing that really p1sses me off though is being instantly branded an American every time anyone spots me.  This I really can't stand!  This is the only thing that bothers me!:D

Oh yeah Im hearing you there... Im thinking about maybe getting an Australian flag tattooed on my forehead, maybe that will help?

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He he...glad to know I'm not the only one! But the thing is I'm italian so its not like spoken italian sounds anything like annoying nasal englsh:D:D

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All this thing going on.... guess it would hypothetically "easier" for me to blend in since I look like this... (as long as I keep my mouth shut, they may not notice I'm a gaijin?)

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LOL.... I was mistaken for a Japanese while on holiday to Bali and Makasar (Sulawesi/Celebes) ages ago... the local traders started greeting me in

Japanese :D


"Let me assure you that no subject is taboo, except what has just been quoted above. If anyone ever bring that matter up again, I will chop your friggin' turbo exhaust wheel!" - as adapted from O-Ren Ishii

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He he...glad to know I'm not the only one!  But the thing is I'm italian so its not like spoken italian sounds anything like annoying nasal englsh:D:D

What is Italian?

Oh yeah does it go something like this?? "Fully shick coolah re`, Ma cuzz haz one cept bigger on hish VL" Hrrrm maybe thats Greek, So who speaks Italian? hehehe :jk:

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I hope you are not taking the piss! If you wonder what italian sounds like...ehm...go to Italy! You know the country? Where according to some smart americans we keep ancient romans in reservations like they do with the indians and where spaghetti grows from trees. Wonderful place;)

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Where according to some smart americans we keep ancient romans in reservations like they do with the indians
HAHAHAHA! Gold! :rant:

Alright now lads, I hope this doesn't get out of hand... just remember DCD, Australians "take the piss" all the time... it's hereditary... and all in good humour (most of the time!)

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Just curious - what do they do with the piss when they've got it? :P:( :(
You're English Dave, you should know that! :(
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Then we sell it to the Americans and they use it in Top Fuel Drag races...

:P:( :( :(

heheheh... $1000 a barrel...
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