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Car Damaged


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Hey all,

The rats at Bayswater must have been bored last night and decided to attack my daily.

Broke off the mirrors, cut off the radio aerial antenna, jumped on the roof, broke into the car with what I assume was a screw driver, started the car and since I had a steering wheel lock all they could do was reverse the car up a gutter. They left the lights on so it also drained the battery

They also scribbled some shit down the side of the car, looks like it reads "Toxic free bazz" or something?

In any case, nothing was stolen, nobody was hurt and the car will probably start once I get the battery charged up.

Be careful out there lads.

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What a bunch of f**kheads... Does your station have security cameras?!

The bloke at the train station was pretty confident they will get something on the cameras, it's up to the police to follow it up though so I'll just have to wait an see.

They got perfect hand print on the bonnet though, certainly not mine, looks like they were also pushing the car backwards too. Going to the police station this weekend so they can make sure it's not mine

Chances of finding them are pretty slim though....

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You got insurance?

Yep, got insurance, not really worthy the claim though as the excess will be way more than to just replace the mirrors and the wiper arms (yep, they broke off the wiper arms and threw them into a bush, along with a bunch of nice spanners I had in the boot, these guys must be pros)

I cleaned off the graffiti last night so that's taken care of too

Only concern now is if the car will start when I put the battery in, they pulled out all the ignition wires from under the dash but on closer inspection of the barrel I think they just jammed a screwdriver into the ignition and started it rather than hotwiring the car

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sorry to hear that sean

You should have finished it off with a petrol and lighter since it's already thrashed. Add it to the bill, and then get the insurance payout.

Something to remember next time, at least the rats who get caught will also get done for Arson and public nuisance.

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Yep, got insurance, not really worthy the claim though as the excess will be way more than to just replace the mirrors and the wiper arms (yep, they broke off the wiper arms and threw them into a bush, along with a bunch of nice spanners I had in the boot, these guys must be pros)

I cleaned off the graffiti last night so that's taken care of too

Only concern now is if the car will start when I put the battery in, they pulled out all the ignition wires from under the dash but on closer inspection of the barrel I think they just jammed a screwdriver into the ignition and started it rather than hotwiring the car

Have you pissed anyone off lately?! It seems pretty full on for some randoms to trash a car like that for the fun of it :(

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Have you pissed anyone off lately?! It seems pretty full on for some randoms to trash a car like that for the fun of it :(

The only thing that I can think of is a while ago I got to my car late at night and I was trying to start it (had an issue with the dizzy so it was a bit hard to start cold, has been fixed recently though)

While trying to crank it a few times I thought I flooded the engine so figured I would give it a moment to settle, just tapping away on my phone waiting and some kids walked up and sat on the bonnet of the car (they didn't realise I was in the car)

I asked them to get off the car, no punches or anything like that, they didn't seem to care and they didn't say anything so I didn't think much of it

If I had to guess I would say it was them, can't remember their faces though, just the usual station scum.

I only just recently bought this car so maybe somebody had a thing against the previous driver? I dunno..

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Not really sure, probably around 9'ish

Suppose i'm happy I got there after they left, could have easily got stabbed with a screwdriver if I caught them in the act

I hope they catch them, there are a lot of nice cars at that station which could get damaged, usually see a few skylines there too

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I used to park my car at Ringwood station a few times a week until I saw a car there get written all over, windows smashed, etc. No doubt it would have been by the Ringwood rats who are there pretty much 24/7. Now I drive my sister's car and park it in the shopping centre car park to avoid any damage. I think police should really do something about the kids who are just at the station to cause trouble, if you're not using the train you should be asked to move along.

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Couldn't agree more mate

Blasting classical music seemed to keep them away, not sure if they do that anymore...

I've only seen justice served out to these pricks once at Ringwood, an officer shoved one of them up against a fence for being a smart ass, everyone on the station had a smile on their face

Sad thing I suppose is they clear them out of a station after something bad happens and they just move to the next one...then come back

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can't people just show some respect to other peoples property?

Is it really that difficult to abide by the law??

I hope you get some justice mate.

Our work van had the bonnet tagged by some fckhead about 1.5 years ago... low life scum.

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Couldn't agree more mate

Blasting classical music seemed to keep them away, not sure if they do that anymore...

I've only seen justice served out to these pricks once at Ringwood, an officer shoved one of them up against a fence for being a smart ass, everyone on the station had a smile on their face

Sad thing I suppose is they clear them out of a station after something bad happens and they just move to the next one...then come back

I know they do it at some bus stations, I don't see why they wouldn't do it at train stations that have the same problems. I've felt like shoving a few of them up against a fence on a few occasions when they just try and make people's days a bit more difficult.

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Hey all,

Some good news, went back to the station this afternoon and found a few of my tools, most of them however are long gone

I did some snooping while I was there and found a lot of the graffiti around the station was done by the same person/ people who damaged the car, reported everything to the cops, hope they catch him on CCTV doing this and can make an ID

If you happen to see a person doing this "Toxic/Tonic bla bla" tag around Bayswater call the cops (and then send me a PM :closedeyes:)









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I know vindication isn't really on the cards, but if I were in your position, I'd be taking some consolation in knowing that these kinds of people usually lead dead shit lives well past their youth and get their own back in the form of lifelong pains :)

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