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What Am I Not Doing Right To Sell My Car?


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Have had the V up for sale for nearly 6months now and cant seem to get any interested buyers. Have had a total of 1 person even come to look at the car and they were just a tyre kicker.

I have it for sale on here: http://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/nissan-skyline-2003-11016971?cr=9&distance=25&vertical=Car&Range=Price:Min,Max~1&sort=default&postcode=2289&__N=1216%201246%201247%201252%201282%204294963846%204294963593&silo=Stock&eapi=2

Any tips on selling it? Is the price to high? What am I doing wrong?

Any help is appreciated

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1. price is too high - there are quite a few nice coupes for sale around the place for low $20ks.

2. it is a GT-8 and anyone that knows anything about Skylines wouldn't touch one with a 40 foot pole as they are known for their failures (a 350GT sedan was recently on Carsales for $5k with a blown CVT trans that required replacement).

3. the car market is absolutely shot. And will only get worse when that useless Ranga's carbon tax comes in.

Don't panic - when I sold my 4 door R34 2 years ago for $18,500 with tons of fruit on it, I didn't have a single call for 6 months, then a guy rang and came and picked it up within 2 days.

But in selling the V35 I would concentrate more on putting it in high traffic areas with for sale signs on it - as you pointed out most people have no idea what it is - so they wouldn't go searching on CarSales for one!

IMHO get rid of the billet grille - it looks like ass.

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Agree mostly with Nightcrawler, except maybe the advertised price.. you might not sell it for the asking price, but I don't think it is overly excessive for an advertised price, maybe knock it down to $16990, and settle somewhere around $15-16K?

In my opinion, I think you need to look at your target customers and what they want. Buyers of a 4dr auto probably aren't likely to be young single males, more likely to be a couple, possibly with a child or 2, to attract those people, you will need to remove the 'racer boy' item. Grill, wheels, exhaust, maybe even the K&N filter and sticker. Any younger buyers that may be interested, aren't going to be put off by the lack of mods. In fact buying a car that has been modded to someone else's taste/style isn't likely to get you any extra $$ anyway.

If you still have the factory items, put them back on, you might be able to make a few extra $$ selling the aftermarket items separately.

Definitely agree with nightcrawler in regard to advertising it, put it out in very visible locations. Those looking for a 4dr auto probably aren't thinking 'V35', so you need to get it in their face.

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+1 on return it back to stock. I think wheels are ok, but grill, definitely has to go and the stickers as well.

Also in your brief comments, add "Family" sedan, may help with keyword searches

Try runnign teh add for a couple of weeks, without the mods list. Its obvioulsy not appealing to people who want mods so try those who don't maybe?

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Thanks for the advice. I will be editing the add to reflect a more simple approach taking away from the mods and such. Also will drop the price for final time. Also factory grill sold so no option atm to change that back. Don't have factory zorst either . Besides I have had it for sale while I was unable to drive the thing , licensing issues etc etc , but I will be driving it in a month or so's time so if its not sold by then , it will become the daily once again, so there will be much more opportunity to display in high traffic areas.

Personally I like the grill HOWEVER , each to their own.

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Aware of peoples hate on the CVT, I find it much smoother and quite responsive in the tip-tronic mode , keep it looked after and no issues. From what I have read people who have had problems have neglected to change tranny fluid at correct intervals and such.

I'm sure this comment will be met with much opposition...

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If you get desperate, throw it on a lot on consignment.

Yep the dealer takes their share, but it'll probably be the same as what it'll cost you to insure/rego/etc it, if it doesn't sell for another 6 months.

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Aware of peoples hate on the CVT, I find it much smoother and quite responsive in the tip-tronic mode , keep it looked after and no issues. From what I have read people who have had problems have neglected to change tranny fluid at correct intervals and such.

I'm sure this comment will be met with much opposition...

I know of heaps of CVTs that have failed with absolutely no warning, despite being perfeclty maintained. Including a sedan I won at auction 2 years ago that luckily developed a trans problem before I took delivery of it - and not a single individual in Australia knew how to fix it.

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+1 for send it back to stock, its a sedan so more mature people are going to be looking at it rather then racer boys like me :whistling: also sell the parts on the forums here, im sure you can get a couple of hundred for the parts.

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Aware of peoples hate on the CVT, I find it much smoother and quite responsive in the tip-tronic mode , keep it looked after and no issues. From what I have read people who have had problems have neglected to change tranny fluid at correct intervals and such.

I'm sure this comment will be met with much opposition...

Ignoring the potential failures, CVTs are great, I would have one any day over a standard auto.

What frightens people are the abudance of stories of failures and the insane cost of repair/replacement. The main reason for the cost is the CVT in the V35 is quite unique.. I don't think there are any other toroidal roller CVTs out there, so Nissan can charge whatever they like for parts..

All CVTs 'should' be cheaper to repair/replace, as they have far less components and are much simpler than a standard auto. However their rarity is keeping prices sky high.

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Does carsales let you modify the 'vehicle details' section? As it says '4dr 4seat', but it has 5seats. It also isn't an 8sp auto, it's a CVT.. (unless you are trying to disguise that.)

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Does carsales let you modify the 'vehicle details' section? As it says '4dr 4seat', but it has 5seats. It also isn't an 8sp auto, it's a CVT.. (unless you are trying to disguise that.)

Once entered in you cannot edit however from the 'manage your add screen' it is listed as a CVT 8 speed , however I never noticed on the add it doesn't say CVT.

The proof:


Plus I have been falling in love with the car once again lately so if it doesn't sell by the time the licence comes back to me then I may keep as a daily and just leave the carsales add plus one sticker on the car till I get a few bites. And if the CVT randomly explodes on me then I will have to convert to auto box.

And I will head out this weekend for some tire shine laugh.gif

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It is probably written by someone at carsales that doesn't really have a clue. CVTs don't have a fixed number of 'speeds'.

If I were you I would be keeping it unless you really want something else. It's not the best time to be selling a car, and especially one that isn't commonly known.

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It is probably written by someone at carsales that doesn't really have a clue. CVTs don't have a fixed number of 'speeds'.

If I were you I would be keeping it unless you really want something else. It's not the best time to be selling a car, and especially one that isn't commonly known.

I am starting to trend more towards this option

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Yep, that would be my advice too - if you don't HAVE to get rid of it, then don't.

Mind you, between the poor world economy, Labor riasing taxes to fill their black hole, coupled with the Rangas carbon tax, things are going to be VERY shit financially in Australia for a VERY long time ... don't expect the car market to pick up any year soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the advice. I will be editing the add to reflect a more simple approach taking away from the mods and such. Also will drop the price for final time. Also factory grill sold so no option atm to change that back. Don't have factory zorst either . Besides I have had it for sale while I was unable to drive the thing , licensing issues etc etc , but I will be driving it in a month or so's time so if its not sold by then , it will become the daily once again, so there will be much more opportunity to display in high traffic areas.

Personally I like the grill HOWEVER , each to their own.

this guy might want to swap:


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