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Meet/cruise Friday April 6Th


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Location - 181 Reynolds Road Doncaster East VIC 3109, the pines shopping center, corner of Blackburn road and renolds road east Doncaster (car park location outside nandos)

Date/time - Friday 6th April 10pm meet for a sharp 11pm take off

Destination - will be the usual route (guys that have come along know where I'm talkin about) will be revealed on the night just bring a full tank of petrol

For all you first timers, come along were all a friendly bunch of people and enjoy talking about cars

Please be on your best behavior especially at the meet points...see you's all then!

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Might be down for the meet, don't think I can do the cruise since getting hit at Winton :(

Cheers James

Edit: Might actually be able to drag along a few guys as that's the night of our monthly meet haha

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Tentatively for daytime on 6th, since it's a public holidays and almost everything is closed. So most people would be at home, this would be a good chance to go out and cruise.

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