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Server Not Found / Slow Browsing

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Hi Admins,

A few of us seem to be suffering a similar problem. When clicking on topics sometimes it will take a long time to load and come back with sever not found 502, or just stall in loading.

Happens to me with PC chrome, and iPad2, iPhone

Noted to happen on different internet connections.

The Main forum page also suffers a black out occasionally, with everything going black, but a minimise and maximise will bring it back.



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You'll always have a problem 00:00-00:05 whilst the backups are running.

2 days ago there was a minor lag/delay due to the server where the Advertisments come from (they are not controlled by SAU). I noticed as other forums that use the same ad server were also having intermittent issues.

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Yeah the last few days on iphone have been unbearable so i havent been using it... Will check it tonight and see if it was just that temporary reason or if i have other issues... Been using it trouble free for quite a while but the weekend was useless :/

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Thanks Ash.

Doesn't seem to be dependent on time / back up. Happens all the time. At work I haven't had the issue - IE8

But PC chrome and safari devices seem affected.

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Had the website black out thing since about a fortnight ago- but happens irregularly.

Will monitor and give feedback. A few NSW people are getting the same thing- may just be a Mexican frustration tactic in preperation for Nats... :P 

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I'm on SAU a LOT at the moment and there was certainly a problem over the weekend, but since yesterday it's been ok.

The week prior i was in NSW/ACT so I wasn't on a PC for 4-5 days so if it did start then I wouldn't have noticed.

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Ok cool, let me know if it happens again and if you can please let me know what times its occuring.

FTR, We'll be sidestepping to a bigger server within the month and we'll be getting a second server for replicating to (for backups) so hopefully we'll have no more issues at backup time.

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I've been using it heaps since the weekends issue and its been brilliant, i was actually using it through the apparent back up periods too and found no drama :) So all good here!

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Definately was the adshell server holding the page up (as it was the same on other forums as well).

Around back up time usually it's only 2mins around midnight, so hard to notice unless you try load a page at that minute :)

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