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Erractic Fuel Gauge


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I was driving home last night after filling up in the morning, so I know I had fuel, and almost to my destination I found that my fuel gauge was reading at a quarter. This caused me to kinda wtf and panic so I pulled over to have a look at the back of my car and see if I was leaking fuel or something, but no, there was nothing like that (thank god!). When I got back in the car I noticed that the gauge had started to go back up again, and then rested somewhere much closer to where I had expected it to be. Then after driving the rest of the way and keeping an eye on it I noticed it kind of floated up and down as I was driving. I have no idea what this could be, has anyone experienced this? Should I just be opening up the tank and checking the fuel level sender, not that I am sure what I would be looking for unless it is like visibly broken or something. Thoughts?

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yeah skylines are pretty well known to have fuel gauge issues in their age.

Do a search, its usually either a gummed up fuel gauge float/slide, or the float has come off its rail.

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