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Mugabetown - Whoretownin' At It's Worst.


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I've used this guide for removing the hicas on both my 32's and it works great and is the easiest way to stop the warning light showing on the dash.


HICAS warning light

Many people have said that locking HICAS causes your steering to get heavy, but they simply haven't done it properly. There has been NO change in steering feel with any of the cars that I have done. The only problem is the fact that the HICAS warning light comes on (because it's not there...). This can be solved by cutting the warning sender wire on the HICAS computer or removing the warning light's bulb from the dash. I prefer to cut the wire as it's quicker, easier and if you for some reason lose power steering fluid, it will tell you when your resevoir is low.

The HICAS computer is underneath the parcel shelf, it is to the right of centre (when looking in from the boot). Unplug the smaller of the two plugs in the back of it and then cut the green with white trace line wire. You can also just leave the smaller of the two harnesses out and it does the same thing, no ill effects and no HICAS light.

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I've used this guide for removing the hicas on both my 32's and it works great and is the easiest way to stop the warning light showing on the dash.


HICAS warning light

Many people have said that locking HICAS causes your steering to get heavy, but they simply haven't done it properly. There has been NO change in steering feel with any of the cars that I have done. The only problem is the fact that the HICAS warning light comes on (because it's not there...). This can be solved by cutting the warning sender wire on the HICAS computer or removing the warning light's bulb from the dash. I prefer to cut the wire as it's quicker, easier and if you for some reason lose power steering fluid, it will tell you when your resevoir is low.

The HICAS computer is underneath the parcel shelf, it is to the right of centre (when looking in from the boot). Unplug the smaller of the two plugs in the back of it and then cut the green with white trace line wire. You can also just leave the smaller of the two harnesses out and it does the same thing, no ill effects and no HICAS light.

easy peasie
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How is everyone?

I did some landscaping yesterday, my muscles hurt... Thankfully not as badly as I thought they would, I can still function haha! But even my hands are sore! So what do I do? Arrange for 2m3 of crusher dust and pebbles to be delivered today so I can do that along with the other garden edges I need to do :P Never learn!

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